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2024-07-29 12:13:41 | Greece

Flight cancellations to Beirut amid fears of escalation of conflict - route from Athens also "cut"

Greece Newsroom

The canceled flights were scheduled to depart today from Athens, Stockholm, Dusseldorf, Addis Ababa, Ankara, Antalya and Adana

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2024-07-29 06:00:00 | Spain

The State questions the closure of the Anticorruption Office by the Government

Spain Maria Llull

The State questions the closure of the Anticorruption Office by the Government

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2024-07-29 06:00:00 | Spain

The second electric cable between the Balearic Islands and the Peninsula will cover 65% of the islands' energy demand

Spain ARA Balears

The second electric cable between the Balearic Islands and the Peninsula will cover 65% of the islands' energy demand

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2024-07-29 06:00:00 | Spain

How much does the monarchy cost us?

Spain Albert Llimós

How much does the monarchy cost us?

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2024-07-29 06:00:00 | Spain

How much does the monarchy cost us?

Spain Albert Llimós

How much does the monarchy cost us?

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2024-07-28 13:52:29 | Greece

Kasselakis about Polakis: "He is an executive of SYRIZA with a project and selfless presence"

Greece LifO Newsroom

Stefanos Kasselakis supports Pavlos Polakis after his expulsion from the SYRIZA parliamentary group

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2024-07-28 14:31:56 | Spain

Venezuela holds elections where the opposition aspires to end 25 uninterrupted years of 'Chavismo'

Spain ACN

The polls place the candidate Edmundo González ahead of the current president, Nicolás Maduro

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2024-07-28 11:19:30 | Greece

Doctor in the Cyclades: Barren areas, barren benefits and barren solutions

Greece Ντίνα Καράτζιου

What is the daily life of a doctor in the Cyclades? How does a doctor in Lemnos cope when she has to deal with an emergency that requires air transport? An image of the public health structures in the barren and hard-to-reach areas of the country, which have run out of doctors but also of government solutions, since they also remain barren.

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2024-07-28 10:00:00 | Spain

On July 19, 1936, Antoni Pons Melià

Spain Josep Portella

Chronicle of the deaths of the military discharge and of how our protagonist goes to Menorca

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2024-07-28 06:00:00 | Spain

A constellation of stars delights Paris: the five Olympic rings of the Games

Spain Albert Nadal

A constellation of stars delights Paris: the five Olympic rings of the Games

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