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2021-06-19 06:00:00 | Spain

The Basque strategy for vaccinating migrants is up for a European award

Spain RC / EP

The jury highlights that it is "an exemplary measure that contributes to the promotion of social cohesion, human rights and public health"

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2021-06-19 06:00:00 | Spain

The Basque strategy for vaccinating migrants is up for a European award

Spain RC / EP

The jury highlights that it is "an exemplary measure that contributes to the promotion of social cohesion, human rights and public health"

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2021-06-19 04:11:00 | Italy

A long conversation about everything Then a toast to the future

Italy Luca Cirese

At Bruno Franchetti the students describe this exam as a liberation "After two years of distance learning we just couldn't take it anymore"

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2021-06-08 16:43:45 | Spain

Etorkizun handiko Kimuak, nazioarteko bidaiari ekiteko prest

Spain None

Generoen eta gaien aldetiko aniztasuna eta euskararen presentzia handia nabarmentzen dira zortzi film laburrek osatzen duten 2021. urteko katalogoan

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2021-06-05 13:08:00 | Greece

"Neoliberalism" and "Globalization"

Greece Newsroom

*Written by Petros Miliarakis

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2021-05-31 09:00:10 | Italy

Coronavirus politics: Biden’s shift on China is designed to put pressure

Italy written bySimone Pieranni

Analysis.Biden's move is a tactical one, which allows him to keep the pressure on China, and it doesn't count as much of a negative for him if this request gives fuel to conspiracies.

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2021-05-27 11:50:35 | Spain

Freedom or socialism

Spain vicente rodríguez carro

"Some economic sectors have had something to do with it, but, above all, the pandemic has contributed to creating a multiform sense of oppression that Ayuso's advisors have known how to redirect to the central government"

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2021-05-20 06:00:00 | Italy

A photovoltaic system on fire, fire put out after 3 hours

Italy None

Fire broke out in the morning. Firefighters intervened with two teams and three vehicles

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2021-05-09 02:33:52 | Spain

fast politics

Spain Miguel Cárceles

East of West ·The Madrid elections remind us that Spain – like the rest of the Western world – lives in a territory of systemic instability in which leadership is devoured at great speed

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2021-05-02 10:00:00 | Spain

Ayuso rules like Trump while Vox only copies measures: the PP wins the Trumpist duel

Spain Ángel Munárriz

The accusation of electoral fraud extends a carousel of imitations of Santiago Abascal's party to the tactics and fetish themes of Trumpism. Vox's electorate, notable among the ultra-European parties for its sympathy for Trump, values ​​Ayuso better than its own candidate. The key? The greatest pull of Ayuso's Trumpist resources: "Socialism or freedom", sensationalism from power and the gift of pissing off progressives Roger Senserrich, a political scientist based in the United States: "This war is not political, but tribal. Ayuso has understood the key: grievance and identity"The leader of the PP agrees with Trump in "caricaturing the left" and in focusing the battle on "ways of life," says sociologist Guillermo Fernández

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