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2021-08-12 03:19:00 | Spain

Politics also competes

Spain Lluís Simon

Politics also competes

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2021-08-12 03:19:00 | Spain

Politics also competes

Spain Lluís Simon

Politics also competes

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2021-08-04 18:11:00 | Spain

Two more athletes from Belarus refuse to return to their country for fear of political reprisals

Spain Lluís Simon

Two more athletes from Belarus refuse to return to their country for fear of political reprisals

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2021-07-28 08:00:00 | Spain

The move will be in Palamós

Spain Oriol Robiró

The move will be in Palamós

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2021-07-24 22:22:46 | Spain

'K' sarien lehen edizioarekin bat egin du Zinetika Jaialdiak

Spain None

Eragile askoren artean bultzaren ari diren ekimena abuztuaren 30ean aurkeztuko dute Donostian

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2021-07-16 06:00:00 | Italy

Female work between idealism, pragmatism and employment numbers

Italy None

In many US universities, as well as in the public debate of some Western countries, on a growing number of topics under discussion - including gender equality - "identity politics" now dominates. Thus democratic confrontation often risks being overwhelmed by forms of new tribalism, with individual rights and freedoms forced to give way in the face of absolutisms of gender, ethnicity or any other all-encompassing group. In such a global context, an attempt, which is taking shape in Italy, to pursue gender equality while fighting with idealism and pragmatism at the same time, deserves not to go unnoticed.

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2021-07-09 08:39:34 | Spain

The 'meat crisis' increases tension in the Government and leads Pedro Sánchez to disavow Garzón

Spain xabier garmendia

The president declares his taste for "cooked steak" to settle a controversy that reaches the doors of a possible portfolio remodeling

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2021-07-09 05:54:06 | Spain

Sánchez raises tension in the Government by disavowing Garzón due to the 'meat crisis'

Spain Xabier Garmendia

The president declares his taste for "rare steak" to settle a controversy that comes to the doorstep of a possible portfolio remodeling

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2021-07-03 23:11:00 | Italy

The course to make us become convinced feminists

Italy Francesca Galici

It's called "Feminists!" and it is the training school created "to bridge the gender gap in politics". Yet another attempt by the Italian left to import Identity Politics

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2021-06-19 06:00:00 | Spain

The Basque strategy for vaccinating migrants is up for a European award

Spain RC / EP

The jury highlights that it is "an exemplary measure that contributes to the promotion of social cohesion, human rights and public health"

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