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13-08-2024, 04:00 AM | albania

Artan Xh. Duke: The cause is not a matter of numbers!

albania None

The causes are square and under normal conditions. Anyone in the opposition would fall into the "lottery" to face a government so notorious for corruption and authoritarianism, but unfortunately for the democratic opposition itself, the rotation remains a dream in the drawer, because the vote still goes to the lesser evil!

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12-08-2024, 04:00 AM | albania

"Paris 2024"/ FSHN President, Agim Çiraku: Albanian swimming is showing growth

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We have quality swimmers, despite the fact that in the Olympics they were not up to their expectations, and ours. The sport of swimming is growing

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12-08-2024, 04:00 AM | albania

Glidona Daci: Didn't life make me a man?

albania None

On one of those hot days, with scorching heat and the sun shining like it's going to set the world on fire, I was supposed to meet a girl, all about work. At first glance, she looked stern, unconcerned, as if she didn't care about anything, a strong girl, but if you looked into her eyes deep inside them, great traumas and a lot of suffering were hidden.

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12-08-2024, 04:00 AM | albania

Swimming coach Arjan Fetishaj speaks to Telegraf: The experience in "Paris 2024" will bring qualitative improvements to swimming

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INTERVIEW/ Swimming coach Arjan Fetishaj shows the journey of Albanian swimmers in the World Olympics

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12-08-2024, 04:00 AM | albania

Prof. Artan Shyti: Wrestling medals, not bronze caps for sports troubles

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"PARIS 2024" / Prof.Dr. Artan Shyti brings his analysis of the appearance of Albanian competitors in the Olympics

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11-08-2024, 04:00 AM | albania

Ilirian Ballaj: Human society needs good people like Ahmet Demaj

albania None

He is on a modest teacher's pension, but he works because he loves his soul, he loves his education, he knows the whole region of Vlora River well, and further, he has many friends and fellow academics, politicians, state leaders, workers, shepherds, teachers, students and he talks with them, mastering all the registers of communication, such as the political-social-administrative ones and the simple, family style, as he loves his job.

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11-08-2024, 04:00 AM | albania

Erisa Zyka: Tourists in my country!

albania None

Rooting is an inexplicable process that originates from the whole of waters, mountains, indescribable sunsets (like those of Vlora) and the people we love. The South is full of pearls far from staggering costs, you have to know how to find them.

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09-08-2024, 04:00 AM | albania

How the government avoided participating in the Marina of Vlora! He "forgave" €23 million to the strategic investor

albania None

The two most important ports in the country, that of Durrës and Vlora, are two similar projects that were given to private individuals by the law of strategic investments through different procedures. In "Marina di Valona", in addition to the law of strategic investments, the government also applied "Albania 1 Euro" and chose not to participate in this investment, forgiving 23 million euros to the private sector.

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09-08-2024, 04:00 AM | albania

Gëzim Voda: Ibrahim Hamza of Tropoja, the one who was worth as much as a hydropower plant

albania None

The name of Ibrahim Hamza, this noble tropojan from Zherka in the province of Bytyç, is inextricably linked with this work from beginning to end. Full 9 years. Even, as rarely anyone else, without missing a single day there. His contribution to this hydropower plant is immeasurable, but essential and significant. It can also be called somewhat specific.

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