
Latest from albania

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16-08-2024, 04:00 AM | albania

Albanian Pen Supplement/ Martin Cukalla: Forever

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Elegy for Frederik Rreshpja

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15-08-2024, 04:00 AM | albania

Ilir Beqaj earns another 16 million euros from AKSHI

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The theater continues, millions tear even the prison cells. Ilir Beqaj, who has recently been at the center of several corruption investigations, including being arrested for abusing EU funds while leading SASPAC, continues to win major public tenders despite these charges and despite being in prison

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15-08-2024, 04:00 AM | albania

Tanush Kaso: Albania that the party wanted

albania None

After she was seen exchanging a few passionate kisses in the presence of the general public, and after making her body available to "our leader", Prime Minister Meloni managed to get a written statement from him, according to which, in Albania small area of ​​28,000 square kilometers, a large camp would be created for the settlement of several thousand African immigrants, who have become boring to its people. She performed that action easily and very satisfied that she had served her country, according to the principle of the Hungarian poet and hero Sander Pettef, who said: "I give my life for love and I give my love for my country"!

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15-08-2024, 04:00 AM | albania

SafeJournalists: Police threats with criminal charges against the media in Albania are unacceptable

albania None

The SafeJournalists Network sees the threat of criminal charges against journalists and social media users for allegedly spreading disinformation as an overreach of police authority, blurring the line between law enforcement and judicial functions. The criminalization of journalistic reporting contradicts the principles and constitutional guarantees of free speech.

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14-08-2024, 04:00 AM | albania

The theater continues/ Ilir Beqaj earns another 16 million euros from AKSHI

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Ilir Beqaj, who has recently been at the center of several corruption investigations, including his arrest for abuse of EU funds while heading the State Agency for Strategic Programming and Aid Coordination (SASPAC), continues to receive tenders public figures despite these accusations and despite the fact that he is in prison.

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14-08-2024, 04:00 AM | albania

Agron Kaja: Medals from Albanianized Russians, where are we with national identity

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COMMENT/ The acrobatic shows in the media do not respect the opportunities that spoke Albanian in Paris

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14-08-2024, 04:00 AM | albania

Tanush Kaso: Albania that wanted "Renaissance"

albania None

After she was seen exchanging a few passionate kisses in the presence of the general public, and after making her body available to "our leader", Prime Minister Meloni managed to get a written statement from him, according to which, in Albania small area of ​​28,000 square kilometers, a large camp would be created for the settlement of several thousand African immigrants, who have become boring to its people. She performed that action easily and very satisfied that she had served her country, according to the principle of the Hungarian poet and hero Sander Pettef, who said: "I give my life for love and I give my love for my country"!

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14-08-2024, 04:00 AM | albania

The football specialist, Sulejman Starova, speaks for "Telegraf": We will start with problems, but I wish you a good start

albania None

SUPERIORE/ The 86th championship on the eve, football specialist Sulejman Starova speaks to "Telegraf"

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14-08-2024, 04:00 AM | albania

Interview with the writer, Shpendi Topollaj: The infamous derivative theory of genocide is being used on Albanians, at the mercy of the cypress of the majority

albania None

How will history write this shameful period of ethnic cleansing, theft and impoverishment of Albanians

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14-08-2024, 04:00 AM | albania

Ylli Meçe: Light up the shadows of the incident of the Corfu channel!

albania None

It would be absurd to think that England itself or certain of its regions would sacrifice their warships in order to conquer Albania! No! This could never happen, but they went to the unwanted tragedy both on their side and on our side.

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