
Latest from Greece

Read all the News of Bangladesh from Greece

2019-02-24 23:42:00 | Greece

Panic in the air for 142 passengers of Bangladesh Airlines - The strange movements and the forced landing

Greece None

A Biman Bangladesh Airlines flight bound for Dubai returned to Chittagong where it made an emergency landing due to the suspicious behavior of a passenger who appeared to want to hijack the plane, a senior airline official said.

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2019-02-24 21:50:30 | Greece

Fear of hijacking led to forced landing! – video

Greece Σπυρος Πλουμιδης

An aircraft of Biman Bangladesh Airlines made an emergency landing due to fear of hijacking.

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2019-02-24 20:50:00 | Greece

Attempted hijacking of a Boeing with 142 passengers

Greece LifO Newsroom

The aircraft had taken off from Dhaka with a final destination of Dubai

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2019-02-24 19:45:00 | Greece

Attempted hijacking and reports of an injured crew member!

Greece Χρηστος Μαυραγανης

An attempted hijacking occurred on an aircraft bound for Dubai and information indicates that it is in progress!

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2019-02-24 19:38:00 | Greece

Hijacking attempt on a flight bound for Dubai

Greece Newsroom

Police officers created a "chain" around the plane

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2019-02-24 19:28:00 | Greece

Attempted hijacking of an aircraft bound for Dubai

Greece None

Alarm raised on Bangladesh Airlines flight – Suspect remains on board.

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2019-02-24 06:00:00 | Greece

The hijacking of the flight to Dubai is over - The perpetrator has been arrested


An aircraft of the Biman Bangladesh Airlines flying to Dubai returned to Chittagong where it... Take note: The first application for adoption by a same-sex couple has been filed!

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2018-11-23 06:00:00 | Greece

He went for his driver's license test with... high tech "dust"


Technology plays an increasingly important role in our daily lives. And if it is used correctly, it "unties" our hands. Somehow p...They do everything for the money: The Kyriakou group from "Macedonia" sends us on vacation to Turkey! The extortions and threats of the Mongols caught: For 2026 they "pushed" the first drillings in Crete

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2018-11-08 06:00:00 | Greece

A court order and the problem... paaaay


I wonder how we didn't discover this sooner. The solution to overturning austerity was right in front of us and we didn't see it. The courts. Do...Get it: The first application for adoption by a same-sex couple was filed!

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2018-06-07 06:00:00 | Greece

"THE NAME OF MACEDONIA IS NOT GRANTED": The banner for Macedonia raised by PAOK fans at the PAOK Sports Arena


"The name of Macedonia is not granted" is a message sent by the people of PAOK, in view of rallies for Macedonia. T...Satans in ASTANA... for stopping the Kurdish State (which will destroy Turkey) - Newspaper "Stohos" - Thursday, June 13, 2024 - No.F. 1174 (1972) The Albanians and the domestic horn went wild with the election of Freddy Beleris

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