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Read all the News of Bangladesh from Greece

2019-04-19 22:25:18 | Greece

Horror! She was burned alive when she reported sexual harassment

Greece Σπυρος Πλουμιδης

She reported her school principal for sexual harassment and he ordered her to be burned alive!

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2019-04-19 06:00:00 | Greece

US: School removes history painting because it only showed white children (pictures)


A Great Depression-era (1929-1939) painting of white children playing outside in winter was removed from the Middle School...Decision That Explains A Lot: Albanians Travel to Azerbaijan Without Visas! Molotov cocktails were thrown at a police officer outside her home President of the Supreme Court: Antisocial parasites want blood!

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2019-04-04 13:49:26 | Greece

Professor Dimitris Xenakis is a candidate with Stavros Arnautakis

Greece Newsroom

Self-administered "wedding" in the Region of Crete

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2019-04-02 12:45:00 | Greece

Sakis Kladis: "Resources are a pillar of Crete's development"

Greece Newsroom

The owner of the "Energy Branch" talks about the significant benefits of Renewable Energy Sources in the local economy

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2019-03-28 22:23:00 | Greece

Bangladesh: 17 dead from fire in building - They were falling into the void to escape

Greece LifO Newsroom

The fire broke out in a 19-story building in Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh

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2019-03-28 20:54:21 | Greece

Bangladesh: People fall from the burning building to save themselves! video

Greece Δημητρης Καπετανοπουλος

More shocking are the images that "arrive" from Bangladesh, where a high-rise building caught fire, claiming the lives of dozens of people.

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2019-03-28 19:46:00 | Greece

Bangladesh: At least 5 dead and 60 injured in Dhaka building fire

Greece LifO Newsroom

At least five dead and sixty injured so far in Dhaka high-rise building fire

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2019-03-28 16:28:00 | Greece

Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in 19-story building - Reports of trapped and injured

Greece LifO Newsroom

A fire broke out in a multi-storey building in Bangladesh with the rescue authorities talking about trapped and injured people but no deaths have been reported

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2019-03-28 06:00:00 | Greece

Video - shock from Bangladesh: People fall into the air to save themselves from the flames...


Seven people lost their lives from the fire that broke out in a 19-story skyscraper - The workers jump into the air to save themselves while a...Skyftopetritis does business with tassels...Decision that explains a lot: Albanians travel to Azerbaijan without a visa!

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2019-03-19 06:00:00 | Greece

"Simple life" SYRIZA: Trapezes, salmon, cigars, Maximou tours, expensive life for golden boys


Regardless of whether one agrees with French economist Serge Latous's "austere life" or Alexis Tsipras' "oligarchy opulence," ... Get it: The first same-sex couple's parenting application has been filed!The 350 Bradley M2A2 supplied the turkalades are trembling in Greece

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