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2024-09-11 20:28:00 | Italy

2024-09-11 19:23:22 | Greece

US: Trump says yesterday's debate was "rigged" in favor of Harris - Attack on Taylor Swift

Greece LifO Newsroom

"The reporters were correcting everything I said and they weren't correcting what Harris was saying," Trump claimed.

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2024-09-11 19:23:06 | Italy

XTERRA World Championship 2024, record number of participants in Molveno

Italy None

Over 1150 athletes from 52 nations are at the start

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2024-09-11 19:22:58 | Italy

2024-09-11 18:52:00 | Italy

Banksy, the great immersive exhibition arrives at the Arena Flegrea in Naples

Italy None

The exhibition from 11 October 2024 to 4 May 2025 in the new indoor exhibition space

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2024-09-11 18:41:00 | Spain

Paula Ostiz nafarra, Europako erlojupeko txapeldun junior mailan

Spain NAIZ

Paula Ostiz txirrindulari iruindarra Europako erlojupeko txapeldun berria da, junior mailan. Ella 17 urteko txirrindulari nafarra ella munduko onenen artean dabil urte osoan eta ella World Tourreko Movistar taldearekin dagoeneko lanean ari da etorkizunari begira.

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2024-09-11 18:03:00 | Italy

Brindisi, Urso's announcement: 10 companies interested in the former Cerano central area

Italy None

Friday 20th meeting in the prefecture. The Minister of Business: program agreement quickly

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2024-09-11 18:00:00 | Italy

2024-09-11 17:29:00 | Italy

Asbestos at Ilva, 10 former managers risk trial

Italy None

During Riva management, involved in the investigation into the death of 48-year-old worker Tommaso Cavallo killed in 2022 by mesothelioma

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2024-09-11 17:17:00 | Italy

The memory of September 11, 2001 in the eyes of a man from Bari: «This is how I saw the metropolis in terror»

Italy None

The dentist Roberto Luongo was flying to New York when the Twin Towers fell

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