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2019-12-22 10:00:00 | Spain

Assange faces Trump's United States and Johnson's United Kingdom

Spain Amandine Alexandre (Mediapart)

If the British Justice approves the extradition, the founder of Wikileaks can appeal the decision before the High Court and subsequently before the British Supreme Court. The defense argues that the extradition treaty signed between the United Kingdom and the United States prohibits extradition for political crimes.

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2019-11-19 20:03:00 | Spain

Nova Esports champion of the Brawl Stars World Finals 2019


The first edition of the Brawl Stars World Finals was dominated by Nova Esports

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2019-10-10 23:44:00 | Spain

The Overwatch World Cup 2019 is in danger for Spain


The Spanish Overwatch team asks the community for help to be able to attend the 2019 World Cup

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2019-09-22 10:00:00 | Spain

The memoirs of Edward Snowden or the genesis of a whistleblower

Spain Mariola Moreno/ Jérôme Hourdeaux (Mediapart)

Before becoming a hero of hacktivism, he was a patriot who voluntarily participated in George W. Bush's war on terrorism. He explains for the first time in his autobiography how he was aware of the misdeeds of his government and why he decided to sacrifice his future to denounce them.

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2019-09-20 10:00:00 | Spain

French warships control the waters of Western Sahara

Spain Rachida El Azzouzi | Yann Fhilippin | Antton Rouget (Mediapart)

To monitor the rich waters of the former Spanish Sahara, the Armed Forces of the Kingdom of Morocco use fighter planes and patrols supplied by France. This situation illustrates the incestuous relations between Paris and Rabat, which participate in blocking the resolution of this endless conflict.

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2019-08-07 10:00:00 | Spain

The 'Villarejo case' continues to grow while it is intertwined with other judicial cases

Spain Álvaro Sánchez Castrillo

Magistrate Manuel García-Castellón opens two other separate pieces to investigate the relations of the Planeta Group with the retired commissioner and the alleged tax crimes in which the former police officer could have incurred. The macro-cause, which accumulates almost fifty people investigated, has been intertwined with other procedures opened in the National Court, such as the Púnica case

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2019-07-28 10:00:00 | Spain

Who's afraid of the fierce wolf?

Spain Daniel Pérez-Pamies (Insertos)

The Night of the Hunter is a fable about the end of childhood executed on the same limit as what is understood as a children's story. In summer, Insertos magazine tracks six great films that tell, each in its own way, children's stories within a universe. of adults

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2019-05-15 16:08:00 | Spain

González Iñárritu debuts at the opening of Cannes with attacks on Trump and defending cinema in theaters

Spain Noticine | infoLibre

The Mexican director presides over the Cannes Film Festival, which opened its doors this Tuesday. In this 72nd edition, films by Almodóvar, Malick, Bellocchio, Dolan, Jarmush compete

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2019-02-25 19:00:00 | Spain

Torra and his councilors leave the delegation before arriving at the Spain stand at the Mobile World Congress

Spain infoLibre

The Government says that it was agreed with Moncloa and Casa Real, but the Government denies that it had warned them that they would not finish the tour. Torra, after leaving the delegation, did visit the Catalonia stand.

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2019-02-06 10:00:00 | Spain

The economic dependence of victims of sexist violence begins to gain visibility in the courts

Spain Sabela Rodríguez Álvarez

The commission of experts that studies the Criminal Procedure Law from a gender perspective proposes taking into account the dependence of women when granting protection orders. Jurists specialized in equality understand the measure as positive although they demand a global risk assessment that includes "all the aspects that are being left out" "The more submissive and subordinate the woman is to her aggressor, the more legitimate he feels to continue increasing the violence he exercises," explains psychologist Bárbara Zorrilla.

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