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2021-11-12 06:00:00 | Spain

10 cultural plans (in case it rains at the weekend)

Spain ARA

10 cultural plans (in case it rains at the weekend)

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2021-11-12 06:00:00 | Spain

The Government proposes to the CUP not to invest in Hard Rock or promote the Games without prior consultation

Spain Aleix Moldes

The Government proposes to the CUP not to invest in Hard Rock or promote the Games without prior consultation

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2021-11-11 06:00:00 | Spain

The Government's latest offer to the CUP: lower ratios in education and limit Brimo's role in evictions

Spain Marc Toro

The Government's latest offer to the CUP: lower ratios in education and limit Brimo's role in evictions

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2021-11-11 06:00:00 | Spain

The five reasons that separate the CUP from the guarantee in the budgets

Spain Xavi Tedó

The five reasons that separate the CUP from the guarantee in the budgets

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2021-11-10 06:00:00 | Spain

World Press Photo: the invisible stories of the pandemic

Spain Núria Juanico Llumà

World Press Photo: the invisible stories of the pandemic

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2021-11-10 06:00:00 | Spain

World Press Photo: the invisible stories of the pandemic

Spain Núria Juanico Llumà

World Press Photo: the invisible stories of the pandemic

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2021-11-08 06:00:00 | Spain

Ants, sustainability and research: the keys to the food of the future

Spain Trinitat Gilbert Martínez

Ants, sustainability and research: the keys to the food of the future

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2021-11-08 06:00:00 | Spain

Ants, sustainability and research: the keys to the food of the future

Spain Trinitat Gilbert

Ants, sustainability and research: the keys to the food of the future

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2021-11-05 21:12:00 | Spain

World Press Photo 2021 rewards the "hopeful" image of the pandemic

Spain infoLibre

The winning photograph of this edition is 'The First Hug' by Danish photographer Mads Nissen. In this year's edition, 74,470 photographs were submitted by 4,315 authors from 130 different countries. In this new edition there have been three main themes: human rights, with the movement Black Lives Matter; climate crisis and the pandemic

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2021-11-05 19:40:00 | Spain

A vermouth made in Bràfim wins a gold medal in San Francisco

Spain None

This competition is one of the most prestigious of the spirits, and this year it had the participation of 3,800 drinks from all over the world

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