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2024-09-11 00:27:32 | Greece

Scientist links bat death from fungus to 1,300 US infant deaths

Greece LifO Newsroom

Research found an increase in infant mortality in areas where bats had disappeared

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2024-09-11 01:06:49 | Spain

This is what Steve Jobs' children are like: a writer, a doctor, an architect and a model

Spain María Tapiador

The businessman's children have chosen to keep a low profile and stay away from the media. How much would you pay for the first Apple computer that Steve Jobs used?

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2024-09-11 00:06:37 | Spain

Pallete says that STC "has not stated anything" about its entry into Telefónica

Spain Jesús Martínez

The president assures that the telecom company is not "aware" that they have registered any authorization with the Government or of their arrival on the council. Praises the 'Draghi Report' to regain momentum in Europe. Criteria reaches 9.99% of Telefónica and sets a target of reaching 10.01% of the capital

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2024-09-10 23:53:06 | Spain

Carmen Mola sings the requiem for Elena Blanco

Spain Miguel Lorenci

With 'El Clan' Jorge Díaz, Agustín Martínez and Antonio Mercero close forever the pentalogy they began with 'The Gypsy Bride'

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2024-09-10 21:15:00 | Greece

Google: The Commission's 2.4 billion euro fine was upheld - What does the company respond to?

Greece Newsroom

After Apple, the Commission was vindicated for Google as well. Europe's highest court has upheld a €2.4bn fine imposed on Google as part of an EU investigation into abusing its dominant position to favor its own comparison shopping services, gaining an unfair advantage over smaller competitors .

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2024-09-10 19:07:00 | Greece

India among the top major technology leaders

Greece Newsroom

Just behind the US and China

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2024-09-10 19:45:00 | Spain

The Government once again approves the path of stability with the same deficit objectives

Spain Efe

Montero has asked the PP to "desist from that idea" of voting against, since it would force the accounts of autonomous communities and city councils to be redrawn.

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2024-09-10 19:45:00 | Spain

The Government once again approves the path of stability with the same deficit objectives

Spain Efe

Montero has asked the PP to "desist from that idea" of voting against, since it would force the accounts of autonomous communities and city councils to be redrawn.

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2024-09-10 19:25:00 | Spain

A woman runs over and kills a homeless man who had stolen her purse in Italy

Spain Efe

The deceased is of Algerian origin, lived on the streets in Viareggio and had a history of petty thefts. The driver is the owner of a spa and she left in her SUV without helping him.

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2024-09-10 19:24:48 | Spain

The Government presses with adjustments in the autonomies if the budget path is not approved in Congress

Spain Amparo EstradayPaula De las Heras

Communities and town councils would have 11.5 billion euros more in two years with the new deficit objectives

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