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2024-08-15 08:30:55 | Spain

The weather in Consell: weather forecast for today, Thursday, August 15

Spain Diario de Mallorca

This is the weather forecast for today in Consell according to data from the AEMET

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2024-08-15 08:15:00 | Italy

Valtellina, explosion in a refuge during mid-August lunch: there are some injured

Italy None

It all happened just before 1pm inside the "Bar Bianco" alpine refuge in the Orobie Alps in Rasura

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2024-08-15 06:00:00 | Spain

Telefónica Tech exceeds one hundred patents and now holds one in four of all those registered by the group

Spain Alfonso Muñoz Fernández

Telefónica's digital business subsidiary develops cybersecurity, IoT, artificial intelligence and blockchain products and solutions.

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2024-08-15 06:00:00 | Spain

UPV/EHUk gora egin du Shanghaiko rankingean eta munduko 400 unibertsitate onenen artean dago berriz ere

Spain None

Maila bat igo da, Harvardeko Unibertsitatea buru duen sailkapenean

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2024-08-15 06:00:00 | Spain

Read the first chapter of 'Breaking the Circle' by Colleen Hoover here

Spain Elkar

This 2016 novel will have an upcoming romantic film adaptation directed by Justin Baldoni and written by Christy Hall

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2024-08-15 06:00:00 | Spain

Read the first chapter of 'Breaking the Circle' by Colleen Hoover here

Spain Elkar

This 2016 novel will have an upcoming romantic film adaptation directed by Justin Baldoni and written by Christy Hall

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2024-08-15 06:00:00 | Spain

Read the first chapter of 'Breaking the Circle' by Colleen Hoover here

Spain Elkar

This 2016 novel will have an upcoming romantic film adaptation directed by Justin Baldoni and written by Christy Hall

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2024-08-15 06:00:00 | Italy

The dispute between Musk and Breton is a big deal, and it affects the whole of Silicon Valley

Italy Pietro Minto

For the South African tycoon, the warning from the European Commissioner for the Internal Market is yet another European attempt to threaten freedom of expression. The already very tense climate is becoming more complicated with the American big tech companies, which are close to considering the Old Continent as an increasingly marginal market

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2024-08-15 06:00:00 | Spain

Read the first chapter of 'Breaking the Circle' by Colleen Hoover here

Spain Elkar

This 2016 novel will have an upcoming romantic film adaptation directed by Justin Baldoni and written by Christy Hall

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2024-08-15 06:00:00 | Spain

Tafallako Jai Herrikoiak erradikalki

Spain None

Aurten aste osorako egitarau bete-betekoa antolatu dute gazteek. Guztira 23 taldek eta 8 DJ-ek osatzen dute kartela

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