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2024-09-09 23:22:12 | Greece

The bill on the Digital Transaction Fee was passed by a majority in the Parliament

Greece Newsroom

ND voted in favor of the bill, KKE, New Left and Spartans voted against it, while SYRIZA, PASOK-KINAL, Hellenic Solution, Victory and Freedom Sailing abstained to be placed in the Plenary.

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2024-09-09 23:20:38 | Greece

Israeli submarines with nuclear weapons sail in the Eastern Mediterranean while Erdogan talks about "Turkish Gaza" and "Blue Homeland" (Video)

Greece Newsroom

Greece has only one thing to do...strengthen its Navy against the now permanent neo-Ottoman plans

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2024-09-09 21:33:21 | Spain

The IX Walter Benjamin Summer School concludes successfully in Portbou

Spain RedaccióPortbou09 SET L 2024 17:33

Of the closing acts, the presentation of the Catalan translation of the 'Sonnets' written by the German writer and thinker stands out

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2024-09-09 21:00:32 | Spain

Treball wants to subsidize permanent jobs created by SMEs that reduce working hours

Spain ep

CEOE affirms that the measure goes into the "interventionism" of the Spanish government in labor relations and CCOOiUGTmaintain their mobilizations

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2024-09-09 15:25:17 | Greece

Gletsos: "I can respond and be the next leader of SYRIZA"

Greece LifO Newsroom

"If my comrades and the base of the party so desire, I can respond to the project," he said

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2024-09-09 13:30:13 | Greece

Live the specialization of the measures to increase income and reduce taxes from the Ministry of Finance

Greece LifO Newsroom

The 12 tax reductions cost the budget 900 million euros, said Kostis Hatzidakis

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2024-09-09 11:50:37 | Greece

The two fatal mistakes of Kasselakis

Greece Βασιλική Σιούτη

The removal of Kasselakis, which took place at the last meeting of the Central Committee, began to be planned from the day after the 4th congress.

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2024-09-09 11:08:22 | Greece

Today the specialization of TIF measures for salary increases and tax reductions

Greece LifO Newsroom

At 10 am the press conference of the Ministry of Finance on the measures announced by the Prime Minister at the TIF

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2024-09-09 10:09:19 | Greece

SYRIZA to elect a new leader: The motion of censure against Kasselakis and the next steps

Greece LifO Newsroom

Polakis, Faradouris and Apostolos Gletsos in the bid for the presidency - Nikos Pappas in TIF - Discussions even for a new party from the "deposed president"

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2024-09-09 09:30:08 | Spain

Venezuelan opposition leader Edmundo González arrives in Madrid and Spain will grant him asylum

Spain Agències

Fly in a Spanish Air Force plane and land in Torrejón de Ardoz. La Moncloa reaffirms the commitment to the "political rights and physical integrity" of Maduro's opponents

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