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2024-12-25 01:31:34 | Spain

Annex Canada, buy Greenland or invade Mexico: Trump's unusual geopolitical proposals for 2025

Spain 20minutos

If the territorial expansion plans are carried out, they would represent an imperialist turn on the part of the great power. The 'Trump effect' frightens large investors: rise in inflation, trade war...

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2024-12-24 23:49:55 | Greece

"Night of Wishes": The Attic sky was filled with "stars" - Hundreds of lanterns "flew"

Greece Newsroom

Unique images were captured in Kotzia Square, when hundreds of paper lanterns "flew" into the Attic sky, giving light and sending the message that Christmas has arrived

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2024-12-24 20:12:00 | Greece

Turkey – Syria: The agreement on the EEZ and the annoyance of Athens


The reaction of the Greek side after the announcement by the Minister of Transport of Turkey about an agreement on EEZ with Syria.

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2024-12-24 17:26:00 | Greece

New York: What the man who burned a subway passenger alive claimed


The brutal murder of a woman in the subway of New York has caused global shock. The man who set her on fire and watched her burn is accused of murder and arson.

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2024-12-24 16:54:00 | Greece

Israel's admission of Haniya that was five months late


Israel's defense minister acknowledged for the first time that Israel killed Hamas political leader Ismail Haniya in Tehran in July.

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2024-12-24 14:16:00 | Spain

Report points to potentially massive pandemic aid fraud in the Balearics

Spain Andrew Ede

Aid for businesses amounted to 865 million euros

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2024-12-24 11:58:35 | Greece

2024 was a political year that had it all

Greece Βασιλική Σιούτη

Suspense, intrigue, conspiracies, impeachment, new parties, change of leadership, departures, deletions, splits, episodic congresses. Some of the political events of 2024 could even be the stuff of novels.

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2024-12-24 06:00:00 | Spain

Tension in the Valencian Parliament: "I stayed in Paiporta with the king, others did not"

Spain Daniel Martín Fernández

Tension in the Valencian Parliament: "I stayed in Paiporta with the king, others did not"

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2024-12-24 06:00:00 | Spain

What I wish I had been told about motherhood

Spain Daniela J. Lamas

What I wish I had been told about motherhood

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2024-12-24 06:00:00 | Spain

Ábalos complains to the Prosecutor's Office that the Civil Guard has investigated him illegally

Spain Andrea Zamorano

Ábalos complains to the Prosecutor's Office that the Civil Guard has investigated him illegally

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