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2016-12-15 12:00:00 | Italy

Semprini's outburst accusing Bignardi «I failed with Politics»

Italy Francesca Galici

The former Sky journalist evokes conspiracies on Raitre. He will end up on Rainews24. The Verdelli plan arrives

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2016-12-14 17:26:00 | Italy

Semprini's outburst on TV: "A newspaper infiltrated a spy to throw mud on the program"

Italy Francesca Galici

Gianluca Semprini greets the Politics audience after the end of the program: "It was a failure, the fault is above all mine and I take responsibility". But he removes some pebbles from his shoes

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2016-12-13 15:47:00 | Italy

Bignardi closes Politics But Semprini remains in Rai

Italy Nino Materi

The new program hosted by Semprini on Rai Tre recorded a resounding flop in share, forcing Daria Bignardi to announce the early closure of the talk

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2016-12-11 21:44:00 | Spain

Trump calls reports of Russian election interference 'ridiculous'

Spain infoLibre

The next president of the United States accused the Democratic Party of circulating the reports. Democratic and Republican representatives of the Senate Armed Services Committee define the information as "alarming"

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2016-12-07 19:13:00 | Spain

Ada Colau, number 5 in the ranking of the most influential politicians in Europe


Pablo Iglesias can get 'jealous': 'Politics' magazine sees her as a "leftist candidate for president of the Government"

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2016-12-03 16:33:00 | Spain

Molina de Aragón (Guadalajara) celebrates the XI Short Film Show on December 10

Spain None

Molina de Aragón (Guadalajara) celebrates on December 10, starting at 7:00 p.m., the eleventh edition of the Ciudad de Molina Short Film Exhibition in the church of Santa María del Conde, an event organized by the Molinesa Cultural Society.

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2016-11-25 21:22:00 | Spain

Tony Blair says it is possible to "stop Brexit if the British people decide"

Spain infoLibre

Blair compares Brexit to "agreeing on a house exchange without having seen the other house." The former minister has described the current prime minister as a "very solid" and "sensible" person.

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2016-11-24 17:54:00 | Italy

Rai and Boschi also enroll cancer patients

Italy Francesca Galici

Politics provided a real assist to Minister Maria Elena Boschi to expose yet another saving theory in the event of a Yes victory in the referendum

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2016-11-09 17:33:00 | Spain

The victory is based on male, white voters over 45 years old and from rural areas

Spain None

The majority of Trump voters are white citizens over 45 years of age who live in small cities or rural areas. Clinton's electorate is made up, for the most part, of citizens of other races, under 45 years of age and urbanites

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2016-11-08 06:00:00 | Spain

Clinton widens lead in polls over Trump

Spain EP

Early voting confirms a significant increase in the participation of Latino voters

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