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2017-11-26 06:00:00 | Spain

The electoral board orders Colau to remove the banner 'Free political prisoners'


The provincial body considers that the slogan is partisan and violates "institutional neutrality"

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2017-11-26 06:00:00 | Spain

The electoral board orders Colau to remove the banner 'Free political prisoners'


The provincial body considers that the slogan is partisan and violates "institutional neutrality"

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2017-11-15 00:55:00 | Spain

Judicial and political movements in the middle of the campaign pel 21D

Spain CAT Jordi Oliveres

The Supreme Court returned the entire summary when the sovereigns recognized that Catalonia was not ready for independence

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2017-11-13 01:50:00 | Spain

The CUP will support the elections


91% of the militants have opted to stand in the elections and 64% have chosen the "rupturist" and "d'esquerres" option

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2017-11-09 17:27:00 | Spain

Puigdemont reveals his full route to the forest 'Letter from Belgium'


The former president affirms that "it is time to democratically reform our institutions that have lost their lives with a State Council"

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2017-11-07 02:41:00 | Spain

Puigdemont's first campaign act in exile?

Spain Alejandro Godoy

200 pro-independence mayors go here to Brussel to donate their support to the “legitimate Government of Catalonia”

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2017-11-05 06:00:00 | Spain

The Camp Nou demands "justice" for the imprisoned members of the dismissed Government

Spain EFE

The club displayed a huge Catalan flag accompanied by two canvases with the word "justice" written in Catalan and English.

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2017-11-04 19:16:00 | Spain

Puigdemont bets on the unitary list with a view to 21D


He assures that "this is the moment for all democrats to unite. For Catalonia, for the freedom of political prisoners and the Republic"

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2017-11-03 17:30:00 | Spain

Barcelona City Council demands European mediation to find a political solution

Spain CAT Jordi Oliveres

The municipal ple demands the freedom of the detinguts and the aixecament of the application of article 155

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2017-11-03 06:00:00 | Spain

The Palau protests in support of the dismissed Government

Spain EP

Five minutes of silence and five minutes of 'freedom' chants have been observed after the imprisonments

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