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2018-02-07 15:07:00 | Spain

The heritage of Catalan politicians

Spain CAT Jordi Oliveres

The declaration of benefits of the deputies to the Parliament reveals that there are many mortgage loans

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2018-01-05 06:00:00 | Spain

Trump faces an uncertain second year in office

Spain Rafael Salido - EFE / Washington

The shadow of Russian interference haunts a president with many promises still in the pipeline

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2018-01-03 06:00:00 | Spain

Trump faces an uncertain second year in office

Spain Rafael Salido - EFE / Washington

The shadow of Russian interference haunts a president with many promises still in the pipeline

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2018-01-02 06:00:00 | Spain

Trump faces an uncertain second year in office

Spain Rafael Salido - EFE / Washington

The shadow of Russian interference haunts a president with many promises still in the pipeline

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2017-12-30 06:00:00 | Spain

Trump faces an uncertain second year in office

Spain Rafael Salido - EFE / Washington

The shadow of Russian interference haunts a president with many promises still in the pipeline

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2017-12-30 06:00:00 | Spain

Trump faces an uncertain second year in office

Spain Rafael Salido - EFE / Washington

The shadow of Russian interference haunts a president with many promises still in the pipeline

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2017-12-23 06:00:00 | Spain

The most viral hoaxes about the Catalan elections

Spain C. G.

The fraud of census cards, Junqueras handling narcotics or a Falangist Arrimadas are some of them.

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2017-12-23 06:00:00 | Spain

The most viral hoaxes about the Catalan elections

Spain C. G.

The fraud of census cards, Junqueras handling narcotics or a Falangist Arrimadas are some of them.

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2017-12-15 00:57:50 | Spain

The JEC confirms that there cannot be esteladas or yellow ribbons in town halls


It considers them partisan symbols, and also prohibits their display to members of the tables, representatives and auditors.

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2017-12-09 06:00:00 | Spain

Arrimadas: "The real change is the vote for C's because PSC wants a tripartite"

Spain Efe

He accuses Iceta of wanting to join ERC and the 'commons' to "lengthen" the 'procés'

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