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2018-10-05 01:03:01 | Spain

Ángela Carballal, from the Peleteiro school, achieves the highest grade in the extraordinary awards


Also awarded were Pablo Pereira, a former student of the same center, Irene Fraga, from the IES Rosalía de Castro, and Enrique Salvado, a former student at Antón Fraguas.

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2018-09-27 13:17:57 | Spain

More than 200 nomadic professionals from 18 countries will visit Gran Canaria as a destination to work remotely

Spain Canarias7 / Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

More than 200 remote workers from 18 countries have registered to participate from October 8 to 14 in the 'Nomad City Gran Canaria' meeting to learn about new trends in remote work and discover the island as an ideal destination to develop their professional activity.

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2018-09-24 06:00:00 | Spain

The PSOE would win at the polls, expanding its advantage over the PP despite losing support

Spain J. A. Ardura

Cs and Unidos Podemos increase in estimated vote, according to the DYM Politics survey for Prensa Ibérica

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2018-09-24 06:00:00 | Spain

The PSOE would win at the polls, expanding its advantage over the PP despite losing support

Spain J. A. Ardura

Cs and Unidos Podemos increase in estimated vote, according to the DYM Politics survey for Prensa Ibérica

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2018-09-24 06:00:00 | Spain

The PSOE would win at the polls, expanding its advantage over the PP despite losing support

Spain J. A. Ardura

Cs and Unidos Podemos increase in estimated vote, according to the DYM Politics survey for Prensa Ibérica

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2018-09-24 06:00:00 | Spain

The PSOE, the party with the most votes, increases the distance with the PP despite losing support

Spain J. A. Ardura | madrid

Citizens and PSOE exchange voters while others go from socialist voting to abstention

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2018-09-24 06:00:00 | Spain

The PSOE would win the elections with a greater advantage over the PP despite losing support

Spain J. A. Ardura

Cs and Unidos Podemos increase in estimated vote, according to the DYM Politics survey for Prensa Ibérica

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2018-09-12 15:19:45 | Spain

Bob Woodward's controversial book is now on sale; "It's a work of fiction," says Trump


"Fear: Trump in the White House" is already number one in sales on the digital platforms Amazon and Barnes and Noble

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2018-09-07 17:08:38 | Spain

The Mossos complaint against 14 people who removed yellow ribbons is filed

Spain El Periódico

The Falset judge understands that the crimes of damage and theft have not been committed

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2018-09-07 06:00:00 | Spain

This is how sex scenes have changed after #MeToo

Spain G.T

Stars recently have more power when it comes to negotiating how a nude will be shot

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