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2019-04-28 03:50:46 | Spain

Lyra McKee's death illuminates the murky peace of Londonderry

Spain íñigo gurruchaga

The 'new' IRA gains notoriety for crime, but does not leave the ghetto and aggravates the hostile environment towards 'dissidents'

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2019-04-27 06:00:00 | Spain

Only consensus can solve the Spanish electoral puzzle

Spain None

The fragmentation of the vote and the high percentage of undecided people frame the appointment of the Canary Islands with the polls

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2019-04-21 06:00:00 | Spain

The management of the PSOE is not convincing but improves after arriving at Moncloa

Spain Mateo L . Belarte

The ten months in the Government raised citizen support for the socialists from 10.9% to 21.9%, but 72.5% consider the work of Pedro Sánchez's executive "bad" or "fair"

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2019-04-21 06:00:00 | Spain

The PSOE would win the elections, but without a clear government majority

Spain Gemma Martínez

The popular ones repeat as the second force, ahead of Cs and Vox, which bursts in with 10.4%

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2019-04-21 06:00:00 | Spain

The five candidates remain far from passing in assessment

Spain Mateo L. Belarte / Valencia

Sánchez once again obtains the best average (3.9) ahead of Rivera, Casado, Iglesias and Abascal

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2019-04-21 06:00:00 | Spain

The possibilities of pacts after the elections


A majority of Spaniards believe that Sánchez would make an agreement with Unidas Podemos and the independentistas

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2019-04-21 06:00:00 | Spain

The possibilities of pacts after the elections


A majority of Spaniards believe that Sánchez would make an agreement with Unidas Podemos and the independentistas

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2019-04-21 06:00:00 | Spain

The five candidates remain far from passing the assessment

Spain Mateo L. Belarte / Valencia

Sánchez once again obtains the best average (3.9) ahead of Rivera, Casado, Iglesias and Abascal

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2019-04-20 06:00:00 | Spain

The management of the PSOE is not convincing but it is improving

Spain Mateo L. Belarte

Ten months in government raise citizen support for the socialists from 10.9% to 21.9%

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2019-04-20 06:00:00 | Spain

The possibilities of pacts after the elections


A majority of Spaniards believe that Sánchez would make an agreement with Unidas Podemos and the independentistas

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