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2020-05-20 19:45:33 | Spain

Echenique: "The epidemic temporarily suspended politicking"

Spain Europa Press

The spokesperson for Unidas Podemos in Congress, Pablo Echenique, has pointed out that the COVID-19 pandemic...

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2020-05-20 19:45:33 | Spain

Echenique: "The epidemic temporarily suspended politicking"

Spain Europa Press

The spokesperson for Unidas Podemos in Congress, Pablo Echenique, has pointed out that the COVID-19 pandemic...

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2020-05-11 21:32:00 | Italy

Politics changes parameters and paradigms

Italy None

In this Phase 2, in the new balance between citizens and the political system, only the ability to solve daily problems will weigh

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2020-04-30 06:00:00 | Italy

The critic Germano Celant has died. Farewell to the creator of Arte Povera

Italy None

He was eighty years old and was hospitalized for complications related to the coronavirus. Protagonist of changing cultural flows and theoretician of nascent trends

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2020-04-27 20:47:00 | Italy

Those lessons that politics doesn't want to listen to

Italy None

The parties must understand the difference between living and surviving. The future is a task

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2020-04-16 21:08:00 | Spain

The University of Navarra creates a scholarship program for future Navarrese students of the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters

Spain None

The University of Navarra has launched a new scholarship program aimed exclusively at Navarrese students who want to study any of the degrees offered by the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters next year: Philosophy; Hispanic Philology; Philosophy, Politics and Economics (PPE); History; Humanities; and Literature and Creative Writing (LEC).

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2020-04-01 06:00:00 | Italy

Coronavirus, the real death toll: 4,500 victims in one month in the province of Bergamo

Italy None

This is the result of the analysis carried out by L'Eco di Bergamo and InTwig using the data provided by local municipalities. Italian version.

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2020-03-06 06:00:00 | Spain

The Supreme Court confirms that TV3 and Catalunya Ràdio violated information neutrality in 2017

Spain Ángeles Vázquez / Madrid

The court confirms the JEC agreements that declared the principle of political pluralism affected

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2020-03-06 06:00:00 | Spain

The Supreme Court confirms that TV3 and Catalunya Ràdio violated information neutrality in 2017

Spain Ángeles Vázquez / Madrid

The court confirms the JEC agreements that declared the principle of political pluralism affected

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2020-03-06 06:00:00 | Spain

The Supreme Court confirms that TV3 and Catalunya Ràdio violated information neutrality in 2017

Spain Ángeles Vázquez / Madrid

The court confirms the JEC agreements that declared the principle of political pluralism affected

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