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2015-11-28 18:22:00 | Greece

A song about refugees: Borders

Greece None

In the video we see M.I.A. (or Mathangi "Maya" Arulpragasam as her real name is) climbing barbed wire fences with hundreds of refugees, getting into overcrowded boats, even walking on water to cross the border and find a better life.

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2015-10-08 06:00:00 | Spain

Aguirre believes that the lists for Madrid will be made by hand, "as always"

Spain Efe

The popular party intends to take the PP to the streets to ask people to trust them again

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2015-10-07 06:00:00 | Spain

Aguirre will take the campaign to the bars


With this initiative, the PP of Madrid seeks to attract the young vote, the one that resisted the most from the conservative party

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2015-10-01 10:00:00 | Spain

Corbyn calls for the reconstruction of the British left

Spain Mariola Moreno/ Sébastien Martin | Brighton (Mediapart)

Although he continues to excite the bases, only 10% of Labor deputies support him. He advocates reinventing Labor, but is forced to make various concessions for the unity of the party

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2015-09-20 06:00:00 | Spain

The Generalitat multiplies the expenses for lobbies in the US by seven


The support of three congressmen for the right to decide worries Spanish diplomacy. The Catalan Government will spend more than 560,000 this year to seek endorsements for the process in the US

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2015-09-06 10:00:00 | Spain

The politician who excites countless disenchanted Labor members

Spain Mariola Moreno/ Sébastien Martin (Mediapart)

The number of members of the Labor Party has doubled since the deputy's name appeared as a favorite. Among the militancy, only his ambiguous position regarding the permanence of the United Kingdom in the European Union arouses suspicion.

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2015-06-27 08:20:00 | Italy

University, a free year for the "one hundred" of high school diploma

Italy None

Enrollment in the first year is discounted by 30% for those who choose courses in English. The Pavia university also provides exemptions for those who graduate without delays

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2015-06-18 10:00:00 | Spain

Who's who in the National Front eurogroup

Spain Mariola Moreno/ A. Poinssot | M. Turchi (Mediapart)

You will receive 17.5 million euros in subsidies in this termA British woman accused of falsifying invoices, ultra-liberal monarchist Poles and a racist Dutchman, among the signings of the French extreme right

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2015-04-01 06:00:00 | Spain

A law that ignores the Pitiüsa agrarian tradition


«All interventions are based on a Mallorcan and/or Menorcan conception of the quest, expression and worldview of the Dret without taking into account the legal-civil reality of the Pitiüses»

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2015-03-26 15:07:00 | Spain

The British Supreme Court allows the publication of Prince Charles' letters to Tony Blair's ministers

Spain infoLibre

This decision represents a "blow" for the Government of David Cameron, which "has been fighting to protect Prince Charles", says the newspaper 'The Guardian'. Already in 2012, the Court ruled that the 27 letters between Prince Charles and ministers of Tony Blair's Government should make public

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