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2017-08-19 00:45:00 | Spain

Steve Bannon presents his resignation to Donald Trump

Spain infoLibre

The president of the United States would have decided to accept Bannon's resignation as ideological advisor in the near future, as reported by The New York Times. Bannon handed in his resignation to Trump on August 7 and his departure from office was going to be announced this week, but was postponed due to the Charlottesville incidents

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2017-05-18 06:00:00 | Greece



THIS GRAPH IS FROM ERT... IT'S NOT A EDIT AND IT'S NOT FUNNY AT ALL... The graphic is visible from most places...'He was dragging her in the reeds, wanted to hide her' - Murder revelations shock of the 11-year-old by the pedophile Gypsy 20-year-old lifeguard dead in Chania after a severe beating

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2017-04-06 15:17:00 | Spain

Bannon threatened to abandon Trump if he did not retain a minimum of influence in the CSN

Spain infoLibre

White House sources assured Reuters that Bannon "remains involved in absolutely everything and enjoys Trump's full support." Although he retains the power to attend CSN meetings, decisions will be in the hands of General McMaster.

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2017-03-26 10:00:00 | Spain

The 'comicist' manifesto

Spain Eva Orúe

The comic has never stopped giving its opinion on politics, although it now has tough competition: political leaders who seem like caricatures of themselves. However, there are already those who ask editors to keep the albums away from partisan politics.

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2017-03-12 10:00:00 | Spain

Wilders, Marine Le Pen's ally, monopolizes the Dutch election campaign

Spain Mariola Moreno/ Ludovic Lamant (Mediapart)

He advocates the banning of the Koran, the closure of mosques and the departure of the Netherlands from the European UnionGeert Wilders, unlike the current US president, Donald Trump, is a veteran of politics

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2017-03-04 17:12:00 | Spain

British unionists defeat Sinn Féin in the elections by a single seat in Northern Ireland

Spain infoLibre

They have a period of three weeks to form a consensus Government and thus prevent the transferred powers from falling on the London Parliament. The unionists have so far led Sinn Fein by 10 seats.

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2017-02-23 15:19:00 | Italy

Semprini deported: live late at night

Italy Francesca Galici

The former presenter of «Politics» ended up reading the news on RaiNews from midnight to dawn

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2017-02-08 21:32:00 | Italy

Those US politicians paid by Soros to wage war on Trump

Italy Lorenzo Vita

The Center for Responsive Politics, a non-profit organization that analyzes the connection between lobbying and politics, has published the list of American politicians financed by the Hungarian tycoon

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2017-01-27 10:00:00 | Spain

A group of jurists denounces Trump for conflict of interest

Spain Mariola Moreno/ Philippe Coste (Mediapart)

The president of the United States did not liquidate his real estate empire before the inauguration. The complainants consider that the president violates the Constitution by receiving money from foreign states

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2017-01-15 10:00:00 | Spain

The United States and sexual violence as a method of torture

Spain Anne-Laure Pineau | Sophie Tardy-Joubert (colectivo YouPress)

After 9/11, the Bush Administration generalized the use of aggressive "enhanced interrogation techniques" to fight terrorism. The prisoners at Guantánamo and Abu Ghraib were beaten, but also raped and sexually assaulted.

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