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2018-06-16 06:00:00 | Spain

The PP voter wants Feijóo as successor and the rest, Sáenz de Santamaría

Spain V. Montes

La Opinión de Málaga begins this Saturday the publication of an electoral survey on the national political situation, which it will complete in two other installments, Sunday and Monday.

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2018-06-02 19:34:00 | Spain

Torra promises those gathered before the Generalitat to fight to "free prisoners and exiles"

Spain infoLibre

The Government hangs the banner 'Freedom political prisoners and exiles' next to the yellow ribbon of Sant Jaume. A hundred people gather to show their support for the new team of councilors

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2018-05-26 20:25:00 | Spain

Ireland says 'yes' to abortion liberalization

Spain infoLibre

The data reflects support of 66.4%, and 33.6% against with a participation of 62.2%. The Irish Prime Minister has highlighted that after the referendum, Ireland will have "a modern constitution for a modern country"

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2018-04-29 06:00:00 | Spain


Spain Vicent F. Soler Selva

We can wait until the end of the first third of the second year because the percentage of enrollment in batxillerat increases significantly

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2018-03-29 06:00:00 | Spain

Concentration for the freedom of prisoners in front of Sants station

Spain EP

The CDR have ended the protest, although dozens of people remain concentrated

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2018-03-29 06:00:00 | Spain

Concentration for the freedom of prisoners in front of Sants station

Spain EP

The CDR have ended the protest, although dozens of people remain concentrated

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2018-03-29 06:00:00 | Spain

Concentration for the freedom of prisoners in front of Sants station

Spain EP

The CDR have ended the protest, although dozens of people remain concentrated

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2018-03-27 06:00:00 | Spain

Concentration for the freedom of prisoners in front of Sants station

Spain EP

The CDR have ended the protest, although dozens of people remain concentrated

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2018-03-27 06:00:00 | Spain

Concentration for the freedom of prisoners in front of Sants station

Spain EP

The CDR have ended the protest, although dozens of people remain concentrated

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2018-03-26 13:23:00 | Spain

Porn actress Stormy Daniels claims she suffered threats for not revealing her affair with Trump

Spain infoLibre

The actress explains that a man approached her in a parking lot and threatened her: "Leave Trump alone. Forget the story." She then looked at her daughter and declared: "What a beautiful girl! It would be a shame if something happened to her mother." Clifford says that if she has denied the affair it is because she has felt "intimidated" and "harassed": " "I'm exposing myself to possible danger and a lot of shit."

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