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2019-10-25 12:43:28 | Spain


Spain Carlos Santamaría

anecdotal ·

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2019-10-20 12:01:26 | Spain


Spain Antonio G. Encinas

«This week I have been on the right and on the left in a dizzying continuity»

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2019-10-18 17:43:07 | Spain

Pro-independence protesters block access to the Sagrada Familia


The attendees have been summoned by the Pícnic per la República account

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2019-10-16 06:00:00 | Spain

Antonio Manresa: "I couldn't be in a lloc because it's talk of 'political prisoners'"

Spain Á. P.

The mayor of Culture indicates that "the freedom they have to go out there has little to do to anar-me'n" of the Principal's gala

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2019-10-11 12:58:55 | Spain

Catalan prosecutors score favors for politicians imprisoned on 1-O


A report questions the impartiality of prison officials and authorities. Two shows have recently paid tribute in prisons to the inmates of the 'procés'

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2019-09-21 02:23:00 | Spain

Video: Shouts to Carmena and Colau at the La Mercè festivities

Spain EP

Minutes after giving the proclamation, the former mayor of Madrid came out to greet from the balcony with the mayor of Barcelona

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2019-09-16 19:52:00 | Italy

Luiss, the welcome to the freshmen is signed by the President of Confindustria Vincenzo Boccia

Italy Redazione

Today is the final event of the "Freshers' week", the week organized by the University to welcome new students enrolled in the Bachelor's, Master's and single-cycle degree courses

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2019-09-16 06:00:00 | Spain

Ciudadanos would be the party most punished if the general elections were repeated

Spain Vicente Montes

More than half of the voters of the orange formation would not repeat their vote, mired in indecision after questioning Rivera's actions

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2019-09-15 06:00:00 | Spain

The repetition of elections will barely change the political blocs, but PSOE and PP will rise

Spain Vicente Montes

The distribution of seats in new elections: PSOE (125-130); Popular Party (75-80); United We Can (40-45); Ciudadanos (35-40) and Vox (20-25) l Center voters, undecided and mobilized, lean towards Pedro Sánchez and the dispersion of votes in the center right will continue

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2019-09-15 06:00:00 | Spain

Ciudadanos would be the party most punished if the general elections were repeated

Spain V. Montes

More than half of the voters of the orange formation will not repeat their vote, mired in indecision after questioning Rivera's actions

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