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2024-07-14 11:03:19 | Greece

"We had to stay hidden, without water or food and under constant threat"

Greece The LiFO team

A MSF staff member shares the reality of life in El Geneina, Sudan, the reality of a civilian caught in the bitter conflict.

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2024-07-14 11:00:02 | Greece

America "froze" since the assassination attempt on Trump - the 20-year-old sniper and a citizen are dead (Video)

Greece Newsroom

'I got hit in the right ear, I felt the bullet tear the skin' - The gunman appeared to have acted alone, opening fire with a rifle from the roof of a building about 300 meters from the podium where Trump was speaking

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2024-07-14 11:25:00 | Italy

Puglia region, pact between Emiliano and Conte: the Five Stars return to the council

Italy None

Three months after his farewell due to the judicial scandals: the Grillina Barone takes back the Welfare department. Tomorrow also the choices of the department directors

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2024-07-14 10:30:00 | Italy

Accident at the port of Monfalcone: two-ton bar on the foot of a worker

Italy Tiziana Carpinelli

The billet weighing two tons collapsed on his foot. He underwent emergency surgery and suffered the amputation of two fingers

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2024-07-14 09:30:44 | Spain

The ANC takes to the streets for amnesty

Spain AgènciesLaia Pedrós

About 1,500 people, including more than a hundred arriving from Lleida, demonstrate in Barcelona against the judges for not applying it They also demand that Salvador Illa not be made president

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2024-07-14 06:11:01 | Greece

2024-07-14 06:00:00 | Spain

Melania Trump breaks her silence and calls the author of the attack against her husband a "monster"

Spain Pau Lizana Manuel

Melania Trump breaks her silence and calls the author of the attack against her husband a "monster"

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2024-07-14 06:00:00 | Spain

Sa Pobla, capital of jazz for 30 years

Spain Cati Moyà

Sa Pobla, capital of jazz for 30 years

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2024-07-14 06:00:00 | Italy

“I was raped in Addaura”: sixteen-year-old reports in Palermo

Italy Redazione

After the meeting in a club. The police are investigating

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2024-07-14 06:00:00 | Spain

Trump's raised fist after the attack reinforces his figure in the face of an increasingly hesitant Biden

Spain Javier Romualdo

The Democrat's campaign removes all its advertisements and is forced to change its strategy of presenting Trump as a danger.

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