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2024-08-17 11:53:00 | Italy

Treviso, start of the LED lighting project. But the Municipality pays 455 thousand euros more

Italy Federico de Wolanski

Project financing launched by Giovanni Manildo in 2018 and stalled several times due to the complexity of the tender and several appeals

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2024-08-17 11:51:00 | Italy

Two GPs retired in Castelfranco, hundreds of patients on foot

Italy Davide Nordio

Berton and Maggiulli have left their jobs, risking chaos in the health registry. Benazzi: «The number of clients of two professionals has increased. The solution in 2025»

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2024-08-17 11:46:00 | Italy

Padua, winter tram timetable brought forward to early September

Italy Felice Paduano

From September 1st it returns to transit every six minutes. Bus fully operational starting from 11am with the kids returning to the school desks

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2024-08-17 11:45:00 | Italy

Mid-August long weekend, only seven shops open under the Hall

Italy Felice Paduano

Protest breaks out. Furlanis: «We need a regular calendar». Colasio: «Next year different staggering»

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2024-08-17 10:31:00 | Italy

Bagnaia wins the Sprint and grabs Martin at the top of the world championship

Italy None

Marc Marquez crashed a few laps from the end and had to retire

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2024-08-17 06:00:00 | Italy

Train molester discovered: a 15-year-old girl accuses him

Italy di Gianluca Lettieri

The foul attention on the Pescara-Ortona route, a 44-year-old originally from Bangladesh ends up in trouble: blocked by the railway police, he is framed by a photograph taken by the victim's sister

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2024-08-17 03:29:00 | Italy

Albano's gaffe on Pomeriggio 5: «You paid me...», then he gets furious with Simona Branchetti: «Briatore, what's his problem?»

Italy di Ida Di Grazia

The singer from Cellino San Marco was invited to the tip before Ferragosto

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2024-08-17 01:48:00 | Italy

Arranged marriage: violence and abuse for years, 36-year-old Bangladeshi arrested in Rimini

Italy None

The man was reported by his wife, who was treated like a slave

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2024-08-16 23:26:00 | Italy

Arranged marriage, violence and abuse for years, arrested

Italy None

In Rimini, denounced by his wife, he was treated like a slave

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2024-08-16 23:26:00 | Italy

Arranged marriage, violence and abuse for years, arrested

Italy None

In Rimini, denounced by his wife, he was treated like a slave

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