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2019-10-21 03:03:00 | Greece

Bangladesh: Riots after 'blasphemous' comment on Facebook - Four dead

Greece LifO Newsroom

Police in Bangladesh open fire on Muslim crowd after 'blasphemous' post about Muhammad

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2019-10-18 01:26:07 | Spain

Infantino: "If there are insults to the footballers, the game stops"

Spain EFE

FIFA president cries out against racists after Bulgaria-England scandal

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2019-10-13 06:00:00 | Spain

A whole continent of pastures

Spain Gràfic: Esther Utrilla / Text: Sònia Sánchez

A whole continent of pastures

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2019-10-13 06:00:00 | Spain

A whole continent of pastures

Spain Gràfic: Esther Utrilla / Text: Sònia Sánchez

A whole continent of pastures

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2019-10-08 12:34:00 | Greece

Number - a record 93 nominations for the Oscar "international" and not "foreign language" film


The Academy decided this year, in addition to changing the name of the award from "foreign" or "foreign language" to "international", to increase the number of the final list of nominated films from nine to ten.

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2019-10-02 06:00:00 | Spain

India bans the export of onions and opens a crisis in the region

Spain Sònia Sánchez

India bans the export of onions and opens a crisis in the region

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2019-10-02 06:00:00 | Spain

India bans the export of onions and opens a crisis in the region

Spain Sònia Sánchez

India bans the export of onions and opens a crisis in the region

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2019-10-01 09:02:45 | Italy

Conte signs 'Parmesan Pact' to reassure Italian agri-business ahead of Trump tariffs

Italy written byGiovanni Stinco

Reportage.The Italian Prime Minister signed his pledge on a wheel of cheese, swearing to defend Italy’s iconic agriculture industry against $7.5 billion in tariffs Trump has sought in exchange for illegal European subsidies for Airbus.

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2019-09-27 06:00:00 | Spain

New global day of massive protests against the climate emergency

Spain Sònia Sánchez

New global day of massive protests against the climate emergency

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2019-09-27 06:00:00 | Spain

New global day of massive protests against the climate emergency

Spain Sònia Sánchez

New global day of massive protests against the climate emergency

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