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2019-12-19 06:00:00 | Spain

Two dead and thousands arrested in protests against the law that discriminates against Muslims in India

Spain Ara

Two dead and thousands arrested in protests against the law that discriminates against Muslims in India

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2019-12-16 16:56:37 | Spain

New citizenship law lights up India


Controversial legislation excludes Muslim immigrants as citizens

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2019-12-16 06:00:00 | Spain

A discriminatory law against Muslims inflames India

Spain Cristina Mas

A discriminatory law against Muslims inflames India

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2019-12-16 02:24:44 | Spain

At least 10 dead in fire at illegal factory in Bangladesh

Spain EFE

Industrial accidents continue in the Asian country, leaving almost 100 fatalities so far this year

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2019-12-13 08:20:31 | Italy

Aung San Suu Kyi: from Nobel laureate to 'ethnic cleansing' apologist

Italy written byGiuliano Battiston

Report.Suu Kyi's downfall—from an icon of the struggle for democracy to a shill defending the most heinous crimes—shows how universal rights tend to be watered down when they clash with the interests of a nation-state, or with calculations involving personal gain .

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2019-12-11 00:02:43 | Spain

The Hague judges Myanmar for the Rohingya genocide


The persecution of the Muslim minority has devastated the reputation of Aung San Suu Kyi

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2019-12-10 06:00:00 | Spain

San Suu Kyi, from icon of peace to defender of genocides

Spain Cristina Mas

San Suu Kyi, from icon of peace to defender of genocides

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2019-12-10 06:00:00 | Spain

San Suu Kyi, from icon of peace to defender of genocides

Spain Cristina Mas

San Suu Kyi, from icon of peace to defender of genocides

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2019-12-02 19:42:00 | Spain

Pedro Sánchez asks the European Union to lead the Climate Summit


The acting president asks the EU to "mobilize other countries for greater ambition in decarbonization"

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2019-11-27 14:14:58 | Spain

The perpetrators of the terrorist attack on a restaurant in Bangladesh sentenced to death

Spain Redacción

22 people, 17 of them foreigners, were hacked to death during a kidnapping

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