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2023-07-12 15:16:56 | Spain

The National Police dismantles a network in Murcia that exploited Bangladeshi workers

Spain La Opinión12 JUL 2023 11:16Actualizada 12 JUL 2023 11:23

The workers were subjected to long work hours, and in many cases living in rooms located in the warehouses of the premises where they worked in terrible sanitary conditions.

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2023-07-12 06:00:00 | Spain

The National Police dismantles a criminal network that exploited foreign workers in Murcia and Albacete

Spain La Cerca / EP

14 arrests have been made in inspected premises in Cieza, Abarán, Molina de Segura, Jumilla1 and Hellín2 (Albacete)

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2023-07-05 06:00:00 | Spain

The espadrille world champions refuse to leave Girona

Spain Mariona Ferrer i Fornells

The espadrille world champions refuse to leave Girona

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2023-07-02 05:05:12 | Spain

Abhijit BanerjeeNobel Prize in Economics“There is no avalanche of immigrants”

Spain Amparo Estrada

This economist has dedicated his life to researching how to combat poverty and warns that inequality levels have exploded

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2023-07-02 05:05:12 | Spain

Abhijit BanerjeeNobel Prize in Economics“There is no avalanche of immigrants”

Spain Amparo Estrada

This economist has dedicated his life to researching how to combat poverty and warns that inequality levels have exploded

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2023-07-02 05:05:12 | Spain

Abhijit BanerjeeNobel Prize in Economics“There is no avalanche of immigrants”

Spain Amparo Estrada

This economist has dedicated his life to researching how to combat poverty and warns that inequality levels have exploded

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2023-06-20 16:12:31 | Greece

Turkish plan to enrich Greece with Muslims - After Pylos, the Turks are sending immigrants to Greece

Greece Newsroom

We have a suspected barrage of illegal entry incidents with migrants in the Euro-Aegean

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2023-06-20 06:00:00 | Spain

This is what it's like to live in the fifth most polluted city in the world

Spain Pau de la Calle i Irene Vilà Capafons

This is what it's like to live in the fifth most polluted city in the world

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2023-06-20 06:00:00 | Spain

This is what it's like to live in the fifth most polluted city in the world

Spain Pau de la Calle i Irene Vilà Capafons

This is what it's like to live in the fifth most polluted city in the world

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2023-06-18 06:00:00 | Spain

Bangladeshek prisoner bat askatu du 26 pertsona exekutatzeko borrero gisa egindako lanagatik

Spain NTM / EFE

73 urteko Mohammad Shahjahan kondena bete baino hamar urte lehenago askatu dute, borrero gisa aritzeagatik lortutako kontzesio bereziei esker

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