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2023-10-15 06:00:00 | Spain

‘Aita Mari’-k "mantentze lanak" egingo ditu Napolin, bere lanarekin jarraitzeko

Spain N.G. / Efe

Euskal Herriko erreskate-ontziak ez du oraindik data zehatzik hurrengo irteerarako

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2023-10-15 06:00:00 | Spain

The Aita Mari disembarks in Naples 69 people rescued in the Mediterranean


The rescue ship will now undertake maintenance tasks to be able to continue its work

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2023-10-15 06:00:00 | Spain

The Aita Mari disembarks in Naples 69 people rescued in the Mediterranean


The rescue ship will now undertake maintenance tasks to be able to continue its work

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2023-10-14 13:02:00 | Italy

Another four landings during the night in Lampedusa, 174 of whom landed on the island

Italy None

The hulls set sail from Zuara and Sabratha in Libya and Mahdia in Tunisia. Four coffins of migrants who died at sea transferred from Lampedusa to S. Stefano Quisquina: they are the bodies of two newborns and two men

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2023-10-13 06:00:00 | Spain

The Aita Mari rescues 69 people in the Mediterranean, including 5 women and a baby

Spain None

The Italian Government assigns the rescue ship to the port of Genoa, located about 965 kilometers from where the rescue took place.

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2023-10-13 02:30:05 | Spain

El Mundo Today Almería

Spain Marta Soler

«Only a genius manages to capture media attention in a debate on mental health by mixing suicide with a 'trans' law, euthanasia and discontinuous fixed positions»

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2023-10-12 11:13:00 | Italy

Partinico, burglary in the supermarket without video surveillance of a Bangladeshi trader

Italy None

The glass door of the shop, located in Via Principe Umberto, was shattered

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2023-10-09 17:49:06 | Spain

Manuel Jabois and María de los Ángeles Lonardi discuss the novel 'Mirafiori' at the Villaespesa Library

Spain María Paredes Moya

The Andalusian Center of Letters organizes this literary event on Wednesday, October 11 at 7 p.m.

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2023-10-09 10:00:58 | Spain

Murcia is not Bangladesh, but it is similar

Spain Lola García09 OCT 2023 6:00Actualizada 09 OCT 2023 7:54

The tragedy of Atalayas is just the tip of the iceberg of what is happening in Urban Planning, a department in which, sometimes, non-public interests reign and where neglect has established itself as a way of functioning.

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2023-10-08 20:41:00 | Italy

Antonio and Tarequjjama awarded as 'Characters of the Year'

Italy None

At the Luiss University of Rome on November 23rd: the recognition was born from an idea by Antonio Galdo. Pizzoni adopted the boy after meeting him in Milan

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