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2024-04-30 14:46:14 | Spain

2024-04-29 22:10:00 | Greece

India: Record temperature with 44.9 degrees – Two dead


Two people have died in the south of India from the heat wave that is affecting the region. Record temperature for April

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2024-04-29 21:43:00 | Italy

Too hot, even schools closed: this is where cities have already become uninhabitable

Italy Simone Valesini

A large region of Asia has been affected for days by an anomalous heat wave, which is causing damage and deaths, and has forced nations such as Bangladesh and the Philippines to close schools, waiting for temperatures to drop

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2024-04-29 20:31:00 | Italy

He kept his 4 and 9 year old daughters locked up in the back room: the mother was arrested

Italy Redazione

The event happened in Bologna. The officers arrived on the scene after a report from a customer of the store

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2024-04-29 06:00:00 | Spain

The Tormes River is surrounded by AI to train algorithms that prevent wind farms from affecting poultry fauna

Spain Javier Arnau

The AI4Birds project, piloted by the Castilian and Leonese ecosystem specialized in this technology, seeks to develop a behavioral model that helps make decisions in the installation of wind turbines.

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2024-04-29 00:57:57 | Italy

Palestinian liberation at the front of the march

Italy written byChiara Cruciati, Alessandro Braga, Sabato Angieri, Giansandro Merli

Reportage.Palestine is like a magnet, a vortex that attracts all those who revolve around it. β€˜In Italy, in '45, we seized the right to liberate ourselves, but for the Palestinians it hasn't happened yet.’

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2024-04-27 21:28:16 | Spain

The EU strengthens its arsenal to stop human trafficking in Europe

Spain Silvia Martinez

The legislature concludes with an update of the European directive that will criminalize coerced surrogacy, illegal adoption and forced marriage in the future.

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2024-04-27 13:30:00 | Italy

Udine, the 150 "invisible" immigrants crammed into Cavarzerani

Italy Alessandro Cesare

They live without assistance and services in the former barracks in an area abandoned to itself. They are asylum seekers, mostly from Bangladesh, registered by the prefecture, but who have not found a place in the official city reception spaces

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2024-04-26 16:59:24 | Spain

The EU strengthens its arsenal to stop human trafficking in Europe

Spain Silvia Martinez

The legislature concludes with an update of the European directive that will criminalize coerced surrogacy, illegal adoption and forced marriage in the future.

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