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2024-05-07 19:15:04 | Spain

Saving lives in the Mediterranean for 2,000 euros a day

Spain Doménico Chiappe

Boats like the Aita Mari set sail to rescue migrants in danger of capsizing, but European border policies are making their missions increasingly costly

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2024-05-07 08:57:00 | Italy

Chefs hired but can't find a home: three workers and 2 entrepreneurs desperately looking for a job, 2 others evicted

Italy None

«They are all workers specialized in catering - accuses Tommaso Baldo of the Sportello casa per tutti - if they leave who will do the food? What is the limit beyond which "tourismification" destroys the economy. They have a permanent job but cannot be sure where to live, it is no longer a society divided into classes but into castes. There is no more equality. This is a system that bites its tail»CONSTRUCTIONIn Trentino 153 thousand «uninhabited» houses REPORTEven in Trentino the house becomes a luxuryANALYSISBuying a house in Trento? It's a rich thing

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2024-05-07 06:00:00 | Spain

Tagore in the Campo Grande and his link with Delibes: "They were united by the freedom that they defended with their thought"

Spain Olaia Santisteban

Valladolid has paid an emotional tribute to the Indian poet in this emblematic place where since this Tuesday it already has a sculpture

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2024-05-07 04:30:00 | Italy

Rome, a former artisans' village freed from crime, becomes a den of pushers. «A ticking time bomb»

Italy None

The former artisans' hamlet in via Acqua Bullicante. Over 500 residents sign the complaint to the Prosecutor's Office: "Area totally out of control"

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2024-05-06 22:47:00 | Italy

Naples, 87 migrants arrive at the port with the Emergency ship: among them 3 children

Italy None

When help arrived, the shipwrecked people found themselves in a critical situation

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2024-05-06 18:21:00 | Italy

Towards Eurovision, the Lucanian Angelina Mango announces the tour of the clubs of Europe

Italy None

Six dates in Munich, Cologne, London, Brussels, Paris and Barcelona. This summer he will be part of the line-ups of the main festivals in Italy and beyond, in the autumn the tour, also in Puglia

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2024-05-06 16:06:00 | Italy

The Municipality of Monfalcone is targeting the foreigner fund for an equal opportunities plan

Italy Laura Blasich

The Region has been asked for contributions for integration: the objective is to teach women about gender rights

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2024-05-06 11:27:00 | Spain

Rescuing shipwrecked humanity in the Mediterranean

Spain Giacomo Sini

This chronicle narrates, aboard the humanitarian ship Life Support, the attempt, frustrated by European Frontex surveillance, to pick up castaways stranded on a gas platform in Tunisia. And the successful rescue of a boat with 52 refugees on board, who will be disembarked in Catania, Italy.

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2024-05-06 06:00:00 | Spain

This is the coffee most drunk in Spain, according to an international study of professional baristas

Spain Adriana Calvo

The Coffeeness platform has carried out research to discover which are the most popular coffees in each country in the world.

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2024-05-06 06:00:00 | Spain

Rescuing shipwrecked humanity in the Mediterranean

Spain Giacomo SINI

This chronicle narrates, aboard the humanitarian ship Life Support, the attempt, frustrated by European Frontex surveillance, to pick up a group of castaways stranded on a gas platform in Tunisia, and the successful rescue of a boat with 52 refugees on board, who will be disembarked in Catania, Italy.

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