
Latest from Spain

Read all the News of Bangladesh from Spain

2024-06-14 20:52:00 | Spain

Mallorca could enjoy a 43 percent boost to the economy thanks to the football

Spain Humphrey Carter

A third of UK holidaymakers are jetting off to enjoy Euro 2024

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2024-06-14 18:30:09 | Spain

The EU accuses Algeria of restricting trade with Spain and other European countries

Spain Silvia Martinez

The European Commission launches the dispute resolution procedure

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2024-06-14 18:18:00 | Spain

New coach signs three-year deal with Real Mallorca

Spain Monro Bryce

Jagoba Arrasate has plenty of experience and commands respect both as a person and for his impressive CV

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2024-06-14 18:14:00 | Spain

LaLiga EA Sports 2024-2025: calendar draw and other key dates

Spain Efe

The next season will launch the weekend of August 18

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2024-06-14 18:05:00 | Spain

Like it not, Mallorca is still a sun and beach destination

Spain Humphrey Carter

The appeal of culture, gastronomy and shopping are gradually growing but we have to be realistic.

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2024-06-14 17:49:00 | Spain

Juan Antonio Bayona will receive the Masters of Cinema at the Atlàntida Film Fest

Spain Adrián Malagamba

The director of 'The Snow Society' will visit the Island during the month of July

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2024-06-14 17:31:00 | Spain

Your seven days news round-up in Mallorca

Spain Andrew Ede

Flooding, European elections, housing ....

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2024-06-14 17:24:00 | Spain

Esther Borao will be the godmother of the Ceste 2024 graduation


The director of the Technological Institute of Aragon (ITA) supports the students of the Zaragoza business school.

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2024-06-14 17:19:00 | Spain

Gasteizko Ttipia tavern eskainiko du ‘Basati’ diskoaren lehen zuzenekoa Benizzek

Spain Iker Gurrutxaga

Gaur, ekainak 14, izango da zuzeneko berriaren lehen emanaldia Benizzeren eskutik. Beñat Goita da Benizze proiektua abiatu zuena eta Lamia Mari izango du orain zuzenekoetako bidelagun. 'Basati' diskoko 11 kantuekin izerdia eta dantza izango dira protagonist Ttipia tabernan.

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2024-06-14 17:18:05 | Spain

Reus launches a new housing service that is committed to "structural and strategic policies"

Spain ACN

The council is reorganizing the municipal office to prioritize planning, promotion and procurement with new tools

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