
Latest from Spain

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2024-09-10 06:00:00 | Spain

The best burger in the world: Valencian, from Galician blonde cow and with mom's secret sauce

Spain Efe

The World's Best Burgers chooses the Hundred Burgers hamburger restaurant, established in Valencia and Madrid, as the best in the world in the 2024 classification

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2024-09-10 06:00:00 | Spain

The UPV/EHU welcomes more than 2,000 international students in this new course

Spain NTM / EP

In this first semester, 1,054 mobility students have arrived at the UPV/EHU, 122 at the Araba campus, 669 at the Bizkaia campus, and 263 at the Gipuzkoa campus.

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2024-09-10 06:00:00 | Spain

The UPV/EHU welcomes more than 2,000 international students in this new course

Spain NTM / EP

In this first semester, 1,054 mobility students have arrived at the UPV/EHU, 122 at the Araba campus, 669 at the Bizkaia campus, and 263 at the Gipuzkoa campus.

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2024-09-10 06:00:00 | Spain

Caste Music, DJ from A Coruña: "I can't go to a set and the guitar doesn't play"

Spain Raúl Ameneiro

The young man from A Coruña is part of the lineup for the Wake Up Weekend festival that is being held this weekend at the Battery Pier.

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2024-09-10 06:00:00 | Spain

La Salve distributes the four medals obtained at the World Beer Awards 2024 in London among people of culture

Spain Borja Guerrero

The actress Gurutze Beitia, the writer Mikel Santiago, the painter and restaurateur Florin Granidaru and Café Iruña receive the distinctions

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2024-09-10 06:00:00 | Spain

Quick Painting Contest of the Albacete Fair is held this Wednesday with the Puerta de Hierros as the protagonist

Spain La Cerca / EP

The 18th edition of the 'Rincones del Recinto Ferial' Quick Painting Contest arrives this Wednesday for another year at the Albacete Fair with a monographic character in this edition, given that it joins the commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the Puerta de Hierros and it will be the protagonist of the contest.

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2024-09-10 06:00:00 | Spain

Tech Angels, the link that unites emerging companies from Galicia with technological leaders

Spain Redacción Galicia

The Galician ICT Cluster organizes a second meeting in the Vigo Free Trade Zone in October to promote the development of solutions proposed by Galician technology startups thanks to the encouragement of investors and capital funds

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2024-09-10 06:00:00 | Spain

'Survival Zombi' returns to Alcázar de San Juan within its varied offer of activities

Spain La Cerca / EP

On September 28, the dynamic and interactive gaming experience 'Survival Zombi' organized by WRG-World Real Games returns to Alcázar deSan Juan1 (Ciudad Real). The event will take place in different parts of the town with the aim of offering participants a fun horror experience through the recreation of a fictional situation based on the figure of the zombie.

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2024-09-10 06:00:00 | Spain

Handi pentsatu, handiekin lehiatzeko


Ametsetan ere zaila zen horrelako Return bat imajinatzea.Baina Kern Pharma talde nafarrak egin du. Igande honetan amaitutako lasterketan bigarren mailako talde baten aspaldiko itzuli handirik onena itxi zuen Juanjo Orozen taldeak. Faktore askok bat egin dute: harrobiaren aldeko apustua, helburua mimoarekin basatzeko aukera eta konfiantza tonaka... Kasualitatea ez da horietako bat izan.

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2024-09-10 06:00:00 | Spain

The Triathlon World Cup arrives in Valencia with an Olympic presence and more than 2,000 athletes

Spain E.E.

The test will be held in the Valencian capital on September 14 and 15. Anna Godoy and Antonio Serrat, Olympic triathletes in Paris, will compete.

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