
Latest from Italy

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2024-07-16 06:00:00 | Italy

Lorito (UniNa): "Pharmatech Academy confirms Naples as leader"

Italy Adnkronos

Naples, 16 July. (Adnkronos Salute) - "Naples reconfirms itself as a leading city in research, this is perhaps one of the most specialized academies we have, which concerns the future. These topics", such as RNA and gene therapy, "were not talked about before Covid, therefore ...

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2024-07-16 06:00:00 | Italy

Why Trump chose J.D. Vance as vice president. A portrait

Italy Marco Bardazzi

The Donald wants him with him in the White House if he wins the November elections. And he will be his political heir. There are those who consider him a transformist, ambitious, capable of reinventing himself several times throughout his life in order to have success and visibility. And there are those who consider him a character who should not be reduced to simplifications

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2024-07-16 06:00:00 | Italy

The fugitives of Bresciano: Attilio Cubeddu of the Soffiantini kidnapping is at the top of the list and among the most dangerous in Italy

Italy di Mario Pari

In recent years several fugitives have been captured and are now serving sentences in prison

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2024-07-16 06:00:00 | Italy

Collides with a truck, driver dies on Ss114 «Della Costa Saracena» in Carlentini

Italy Redazione

Anas teams intervened on site to manage traffic and the carabinieri to reconstruct the dynamics of the impact

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2024-07-16 06:00:00 | Italy

A year ago the fire that blocked Catania airport and Confconsumatori reported: "There was no compensation"

Italy Redazione

The association also asked to increase the initial endowment: more than 15 million are needed

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2024-07-16 06:00:00 | Italy

2024-07-16 06:00:00 | Italy

Bins, fountains and tankers: welcome to Agrigento

Italy Fabio Russello

Exasperated population, skyrocketing prices for private supplies and cancellations by tourists

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2024-07-16 06:00:00 | Italy

He defamed former mayor Licata on Facebook: convicted

Italy Redazione

Over 80 posts published between 2015 and 2017 on Angelo Cambiano

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2024-07-16 06:00:00 | Italy

Kidnapped in Syria, Sandrini admits: «At the beginning I agreed with the kidnapping»

Italy di Paolo Cittadini

Heard in the courtroom as a witness in the trial in which he is the offended party, he told the various background stories for the first time

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2024-07-16 06:00:00 | Italy

Rezzato, half a ton of abandoned waste triggers "zero tolerance"

Italy di Cinzia Reboni

The last open-air landfill in via degli Alpini

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