
Latest from Italy

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2016-12-14 17:26:00 | Italy

Semprini's outburst on TV: "A newspaper infiltrated a spy to throw mud on the program"

Italy Francesca Galici

Gianluca Semprini greets the Politics audience after the end of the program: "It was a failure, the fault is above all mine and I take responsibility". But he removes some pebbles from his shoes

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2016-12-13 15:47:00 | Italy

Bignardi closes Politics But Semprini remains in Rai

Italy Nino Materi

The new program hosted by Semprini on Rai Tre recorded a resounding flop in share, forcing Daria Bignardi to announce the early closure of the talk

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2016-11-24 17:54:00 | Italy

Rai and Boschi also enroll cancer patients

Italy Francesca Galici

Politics provided a real assist to Minister Maria Elena Boschi to expose yet another saving theory in the event of a Yes victory in the referendum

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2016-10-12 06:00:00 | Italy

Matteo Renzi across the board at Politics: from the referendum to the Democratic Party in Rome

Italy Emanuele Ruggerone

Last night's guest on the Politics program, Prime Minister Matteo Renzi spoke about the main themes of the current Italian political landscape. Prime Minister Matteo Renzi was a guest on the Rai Politics program last night and, in answering the questions posed to him, he spoke about the first...

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2016-09-14 15:46:00 | Italy

Di Maio and Di Battista at unified networks: "Raggi is autonomous. Burdens and honors are hers"

Italy Redazione

The two leaders on TV yesterday. The first to Politics: "With the Olympics, there would be the risk of further corruption." Di Battista: "Burdens and honors to Raggi"

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2016-09-07 06:00:00 | Italy

Rome: storm, M5S-Raggi tug of war The mayor resists the directorate's diktat

Italy None

A storm was announced and a storm it was. The river meeting of the M5S Directorate uses a hard fist on Rome and, with the support of Beppe Grillo in constant contact with the Capital, forcefully asks Virginia Raggi to make the deputy chief of staff Raffaele Marra, the head of the political secretary Salvatore Romeo and the two councilors Paola Muraro and Raffaele De Dominicis.

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2016-06-21 14:00:00 | Italy

How many "azzurri" cjacarave par furlan

Italy None

The ricuarts of agns and agns ator pal mont, scherçant and zuiant a briscule cun Bearzot, Zoff, Burgnich, Collovati and tancj altris

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2016-05-17 06:00:00 | Italy

Bangladesh, cyber-heist with recycled code

Italy Alfonso Maruccia

The SWIFT circuit raises the alarm about a new attack based on the same malware used for the Bangladesh Bank, while researchers trace the code to cyber-crime operations, including the attack on Sony Pictures

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2016-03-25 06:00:00 | Italy

Treviglio, Molteni as UnderwoodThe logo is identical to «House of Cards»

Italy None

With no more political giants to take inspiration from, in 2016 we need to sharpen our wits to find a point of reference. Erik Molteni, centre-left mayoral candidate in Treviglio, has even decided to delve into political fantasy. At least graphically.

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2016-02-18 19:34:00 | Italy

Baby born without penis from Arabia to Lecce to be operated on

Italy None

The long journey to be operated on by Roberto De Castro, an internationally renowned pediatric urology specialist surgeon

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