
Latest from Greece

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2022-09-08 16:26:10 | Greece

Technology: 95% of Greeks aged 13-74 use the internet

Greece Newsroom

The conditions of the pandemic prompted the rapid spread of "digital life" in Greece as well, thus reaching universal use (100%) among the ages up to 44, according to research by Focus Bari

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2022-08-31 21:35:00 | Greece

Mbiresaurus: Africa's oldest dinosaur discovered

Greece Newsroom

His skeleton was found unexpectedly largely intact in Northern Zimbabwe

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2022-08-27 22:00:05 | Greece

Ready for the European winter? The hunger strike has begun! In Bangladesh, attacks on politicians (Video)

Greece Newsroom

What will happen in Bangladesh cannot leave anyone indifferent because it is located at the geopolitical hub where Indian and Chinese interests meet - How Beijing's Belt and Road initiative is affected - The first examples in Europe as well

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2022-08-24 12:19:00 | Greece

Research: Addiction to news increases risk of anxiety and other health problems

Greece Newsroom

People who are "stuck" with the news, being addicted to "checking" every now and then if there is any new news, are more likely to suffer from stress, according to an American study

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2022-08-08 22:40:50 | Greece

Bangladesh: Protesters storm gas stations (video)

Greece Newsroom

Mass protests have broken out in Bangladesh due to a huge increase in fuel prices

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2022-08-08 16:30:00 | Greece

Submission of declarations for use of Municipal sports facilities in Western Lesbos

Greece None

The Sports Department of the Municipality of West Lesvos invites the clubs that wish to use the Municipal sports facilities (for training and headquarters) during the 2022-2023 competition season to apply to the Sports Department of the Municipality of West Lesvos. According to article 65 of Law 3852/2010, it is possible to grant limited and periodic use of Municipal Sports Facilities to Sports Clubs for the purpose of preparation, training and holding matches (friendly and official) but following a specific request that must be made to the Municipality of Western Lesvos and be approved by the Municipal Council. Also according to law 4735/2020 (Government Gazette 197/A/12-10-2020), article 66 par.2, sports association that does not have the special sports recognition of article 8 of law 2725/1999 (A΄ 121) and has not been registered in the electronic register of sports associations of article 142 of Law 4714/2020 (A' 148), cannot use sports facilities belonging to OTAs of first and second grade. They must apply electronically with their application to the electronic e-mail of the Department of Sports: [email protected] or by completing the online form until August 26, 2022. In case it is not possible to submit the application online, the clubs can submit an application to the Department of Sports located at the offices of the NPDD Culture Tourism Sports (behind the national bank in Kalloni), contact phone 2253030005, , and time 08:00am-1:30pm. New unions or unions that have changes in their statutes are required to bring a copy of it. It is emphasized that the clubs must submit an application to be entitled to use the municipal sports facilities. Link formas:

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2022-08-05 08:51:19 | Greece

29 people picked up from boat in distress

Greece None

Greece’s coast guard says more than two dozen people have been picked up from a sailboat in distress far off the southwestern coast of the Greek mainland.

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2022-07-23 00:06:10 | Greece

Tarantilis: "Technological innovation is a catalyst for the transformation of Shipping"

Greece Newsroom

During his introductory statement, Mr. Tarantilis emphasized that shipping is the country's most important industry, it constitutes 7% of the GDP, employs over 200 thousand workers, while the inflows into the Greek balance of payments from maritime transport exceeded 17 billion .euro in 2021

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2022-07-22 13:27:03 | Greece

The world was not made for such heat

Greece Κώστας Αναγνωστόπουλος

Today: Everything died If If • • • is invincible? • • • Spanish trolling • • • the complexity of sanctions • • • finally travelers on the roof of trains • • • the world wasn't made for this kind of heat • • • picture of the week

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2022-07-10 13:16:00 | Greece

Elon Musk: Pulling off Twitter acquisition divides US political world

Greece Newsroom

"The Twitter deal is dead, long live 'Truth,'" wrote former President Donald Trump

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