
Latest from Greece

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2024-07-11 12:48:00 | Greece

2024-07-11 12:26:56 | Greece

Mosquitoes: The changes that need to be made in spraying to avoid contagious diseases – Two Greek entomologists explain

Greece Newsroom

Mosquitoes, as a rule, thrive in warm and humid climates, which are often found in tropical and subtropical regions where poverty rates are also highest.

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2024-07-11 12:25:00 | Greece

Copa America: In the final Colombia and Hames, finale with wood on the platform between fans and footballers - Watch video

Greece None

Another assist for James Rodriguez for 10-man Colombia breaks Lionel Messi's record - At the other end, Darvin Nunes missed one chance after another and ended up punching Colombian fans to protect his family

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2024-07-11 11:43:00 | Greece

2024-07-11 11:42:12 | Greece

Copa America: Colombia beat Uruguay in dramatic match (vid.)

Greece Newsroom

Nunes and Araujo went up to the platform at the end and played wood with opposing fans

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2024-07-11 11:05:29 | Greece

Joe Biden: Leave "for the good of the country", executives, financiers and George Clooney ask

Greece LifO Newsroom

Pressure is mounting from all sides to get Joe Biden out of the race

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2024-07-11 11:05:28 | Greece

"First screams and then silence" - The chronicle of the murder of the three women that shocked Britain (Video)

Greece Newsroom

Neighbors of BBC sports commentator John Hunt's family described hearing screams from the house where the murder took place, which they mistakenly mistook for the voices of a child.

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2024-07-11 11:03:27 | Greece

One month after the European elections

Greece Βασιλική Σιούτη

What message did the voters send and what did the parties read?

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2024-07-11 10:46:52 | Greece

British elections 2024: It's complicated!

Greece Θοδωρής Αντωνόπουλος

The first picture shows a Labor victory and a Conservative collapse, but things are more complicated.

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2024-07-11 10:06:10 | Greece

NATO steps up support for Ukraine: Sends F-16, Patriot and $40 billion

Greece Newsroom

Concern over the strengthening of the Russia-China alliance

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