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2012-07-01 11:56:00 | Greece
The municipal elections are approaching and in the minds of the two major parties, no one can deny that there may be the thought of not giving anointments and proceeding to the selection of candidates with the tried and tested method - the direct election by the popular base of the parties.
Read more →2012-07-01 11:56:00 | Greece
The restoration of "50%+1" in the election of the mayor and regional governor radically changes the electoral landscape for the upcoming self-governing elections, regarding the submission of nominations.
Read more →2012-06-11 06:00:00 | Spain
«Com es de perillós fer-se photos amb segons qui, si et dediques al servei públic, de una posició de carrec tiu»
Read more →2012-06-09 06:00:00 | Spain
Bendodo highlights the Executive's commitment to the province as well as to job creation
Read more →2012-05-20 06:00:00 | Spain
Sanz says that if Griñán demands 1.5 billion from Rajoy, the mayors will also ask for their money
Read more →2012-04-27 06:00:00 | Spain
The Republican apparatus urges the candidate to resort to a positive message. The president scores four points against the former governor of Massachusetts
Read more →2012-04-26 06:00:00 | Spain
A date between the former governor of Massachusetts and Rick Santorum triggers speculation. The already unofficial candidate maintains that the Democrat lacks "achievements" to promote
Read more →2012-03-09 06:00:00 | Spain
«If we go into moral considerations, the truth is that the entire society pays a very high price in the destruction of the territory»
Read more →2012-03-06 06:00:00 | Spain
Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum are fighting today for the favor of 437 Republican delegates in the 'Super Tuesday' primaries, with Ohio as the main battleground
Read more →2012-03-05 06:00:00 | Spain
The victory of the former governor of Massachusetts consolidates him as the favorite to be the Republican candidate
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