
Latest from Italy

Read all the News of Bangladesh from Italy

2024-07-16 16:46:00 | Italy

"The limit of 30 per hour increases pollution": the fake news on the MIT study

Italy Simone Valesini

The news circulated in recent days is only partially true: with the new limits, travel times and emissions would increase imperceptibly, while the advantages in terms of accidents avoided are more than concrete

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2024-07-16 16:07:00 | Italy

Woman drowned in Vieste: she saved her niece dragged by the current

Italy None

He was at sea with relatives, he kept the little girl out of the water

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2024-07-16 15:48:00 | Italy

Feast of Carmel, the Jubilee begins in Taranto

Italy None

The Holy Door opened in the church on Via D'Aquino. The work carried out inside the religious building has been visible since yesterday

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2024-07-16 15:25:29 | Italy

Prime Video, Fernando Llorente arrives for the Champions League

Italy None

The former Juventus, Napoli and Udinese striker joins the commentary team

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2024-07-16 15:10:00 | Italy

Bolzano: 4-0 to Finland, Italy qualified for Euro 2025

Italy None

The goals were scored by Beccari and Giugliano in the first half, by Cambiaghi and Nystrom (own goal) in the second half

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2024-07-16 14:53:00 | Italy

Rome, four hooded youths destroy a convenience store and take the money from the till

Italy None

A video of a few seconds that captures the latest of the thefts carried out by the gang of young people in the Appio Latino and Tuscolano areas of Rome. A woman originally from Bangladesh is about to close the shutter of her grocery store when four boys, with their faces covered, sneak into the shop and begin to destroy the place while one of them heads straight for the cashier to withdraw the money. In a few seconds they come out and run away while the woman tries to stop them by hitting them with a stick. (by Andrea Pisani)

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2024-07-16 14:50:00 | Italy

Malagò: «Italy in Paris to beat Tokyo. No worries for Tamberi, Jacobs is competitive but he will have to be at 100% »

Italy None

The president of CONI ten days before the start of the Olympics: here is his analysis, including memories, ambitions and possible scenarios

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2024-07-16 14:11:04 | Italy

FC 24 World Cup: here's who won the FC Pro World Championship

Italy None

Anders “Vejrgang” Vejrgang is the first world champion of the FC Pro World Championship after a dominated final in Berlin

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2024-07-16 14:06:04 | Italy

FC 24: here's who won the FC Pro circuit world championships

Italy None

Anders “Vejrgang” Vejrgang is the first world champion of the FC Pro World Championship after a dominated final in Berlin

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2024-07-16 13:52:00 | Italy

Bat, bribes to the Province in exchange for assignments: the 3 arrested managers do not answer to the investigating judge

Italy None

Those who were the recipients of precautionary custody orders in prison were summoned to be heard before the investigating judge Domenico Zeno

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