
Latest from Italy

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2021-10-07 18:00:00 | Italy

The Euregio celebrated it for 10 years of activity

Italy None

Since 2011, the Euregio Tirol Sudtirol Trentin has been up to 354 projects. On the 30th of September in Dispruch it was the ceremony for the diesc egn

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2021-10-06 12:00:00 | Italy

Innovative SMEs between drones and gloves 4.0

Italy Federico Garau

From agritech to foodtech, from digital manufacturing to robotics, up to artificial intelligence and mobility. And also e-sports, music and entertainment, but also Covid and sustainability

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2021-09-30 18:00:00 | Italy

The Joentù Euregio festival celebrates the day

Italy None

Thirty joegns from Tyrol, Sudtirol and Trentino at this edition

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2021-09-29 10:16:00 | Italy

Advertising bonus in newspapers and websites: here's what you need to know

Italy None

Applications must be submitted from 1st to 31st October: this year too, a tax credit of 50% of the expenditure incurred will be recognised.

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2021-09-27 16:46:00 | Italy

School newspaper subscriptions are almost free

Italy None

The possibility returns for secondary, state and private schools to receive contributions for the purchase of subscriptions to newspapers and magazines. This also applies to schools in Trentino. The deadline for submission is set from 1 to 31 October 2021

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2021-08-26 20:03:00 | Italy

Paralympics, here is the timelapse of the conversion of the Aomi Urban Sports in Tokyo

Italy Agenzia Vista

Video of Tokyo's Aomi Urban Sports Park, home of 3x3 basketball and sport climbing during the Olympic Games, has now become a five-a-side football pitch for the Paralympic Games. The images of the timelapse conversion. / Twitter Tokyo 2020 (Alexander Yakhnagiev)

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2021-07-16 06:00:00 | Italy

Female work between idealism, pragmatism and employment numbers

Italy None

In many US universities, as well as in the public debate of some Western countries, on a growing number of topics under discussion - including gender equality - "identity politics" now dominates. Thus democratic confrontation often risks being overwhelmed by forms of new tribalism, with individual rights and freedoms forced to give way in the face of absolutisms of gender, ethnicity or any other all-encompassing group. In such a global context, an attempt, which is taking shape in Italy, to pursue gender equality while fighting with idealism and pragmatism at the same time, deserves not to go unnoticed.

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2021-07-07 13:06:07 | Italy

In its largest rescue, the Ocean Viking saved 369 lives

Italy written byGiansandro Merli

Reportage.'It was a particularly difficult operation. The boat was overloaded and could have capsized at any time. It was dark.'

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2021-07-03 23:11:00 | Italy

The course to make us become convinced feminists

Italy Francesca Galici

It's called "Feminists!" and it is the training school created "to bridge the gender gap in politics". Yet another attempt by the Italian left to import Identity Politics

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2021-06-19 04:11:00 | Italy

A long conversation about everything Then a toast to the future

Italy Luca Cirese

At Bruno Franchetti the students describe this exam as a liberation "After two years of distance learning we just couldn't take it anymore"

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